“Praise the LORD! Praise the name of the LORD; Praise Him, O servants of the LORD, you who stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God!
Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing praises to HIs name, for it is lovely."
Psalm 135:1 - 3
For those of you that know me well, you know that it was a difficult decision for me to cancel worship this past Sunday. I do not like to forgo worship on Sunday unless it is absolutely a necessity for the safety of God’s people. And as you know, after consulting with the HOPE Session, we determined that it was a necessity to cancel worship for that reason.
When I do not worship with the Body of Christ, the gathered Church, on any given Sunday due to sickness or weather related cancellations, my week is never the same as usual. There is something that happens in worship that cannot happen any other place. Yes, I can worship the Lord at home, in the woods, in my car, any place I find myself. I can even worship God at home with my family as I did this past Sunday, BUT there is still a part of worship missing when the Body of Christ is not together.
The Psalmist reminds us in the text above that we are to “Praise the LORD!” We “...who stand in the house of the LORD.” This is a reminder to the gathered body.
In Acts 1 after the ascension of Christ, Luke records,
“Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day’s journey away. When they had entered the city, they went up to the upper room... These all with one mind were continuing devoting themselves to prayer...” Acts 1:12-13a; 14a
This was the gathered body, the earliest church service waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit as promised.
After Pentecost when the church began to expand into other areas of the world, as Paul began to spread Christianity during his missionary journeys, as churches began to be formed and began to worship, the gathered community worshipped. They met together and worshipped the LORD!
BUT, the early church was not different than today, for some began to forsake corporate worship, the gathered body of Christ. The writer of Hebrews challenges the believers in this way.
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without waving, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:23-25
You see the writer has noticed that believers are staying away from corporate worship. It has become, as he puts it, a habit. I don’t believe God’s Word would have recorded this in this way if corporate worship, the gathered Body of Christ, was not important. As I said, for me, my week is different. For me, my spirit can tell when the Body of Christ has not gathered. Call me crazy, that’s OK, but it is true for me.
Hey believer!!! How about you? Does it make any difference in your spirit when you miss worship? Do you know of anyone who has made “missing worship” a habit? Or even maybe believe there is no need for corporate worship? I would encourage you to do as the first gathering did in the upper room in Jerusalem, and that is, continue to pray for one another and continue to worship and “Praise the LORD! For...His name, it is lovely.”
Blessings my friends,
Pastor Marty.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
An Appointed Time For Everything
“There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven ...” Ecclesiastes 3:1
I don’t usually like to draw attention to myself, but when this particular event fell today, it caused me to ponder. You know when Pastor Marty ponders, something is going to be said.
So, here is the event. Today is my birthday. I’m not going to give you my actual age, but will give you enough information for you to figure it out. My age today is exactly my birth year in the 1900’s. Yes, the 1900’s. Second, I’m a “Baby Boomer” so that will give the period in the 1900’s I was born. And lastly, if you take my age today and subtract it from this calendar year, you will get the calendar year of my birth, which again is exactly how old I am today.
Why do I bring my birthday up? That is a good question. As I said, I never liked drawing attention to my birthday. I know a lot of people bask in the day and love the excitement and attention. That’s not me. It is day that can come and go. Yes, I’m another year older, another 12 months logged in God’s book of life on His servant, Marty Egene Duffell. Don’t get me wrong. I am glad I was born. I am happy to be alive at this time and place. I am thankful for my wife and family. And most of all, I am thankful that God has chosen my to be an adopted son of His and made me an heir of heaven.
That being said, why then write an article about your birthday, even though it falls on the HOPE Connection day? I was thinking yesterday about another year in the books for me. What does that mean? What will this next year of my life bring me? What celebrations and what heartaches will I experience? How will I serve God this year of my life in ways that glorify Him who saved me? Most scholars believe King Solomon is the author of Ecclesiastes. Solomon, in his wisdom states that there is an appointed time for everything under heaven. Everything! A time to: give birth, to die; to plant, to uproot; to kill, to heal; to tear down, to build up; to weep, to laugh; to mourn, to dance; to throw stones, to gather stones; to embrace, to shun; to search, to give up as lost; to keep, to throw away; to tear apart, to sew together; to be silent, to speak; to love, to hate; for war, for peace.
This passage came to mind as I began to ponder these questions in my mind. Which of these will I face in this year of my existence? Many will come very naturally, others will be forced on my by the world. Some of these will bring me joy and happiness, while others will tear at my heartstrings.
Then I remembered once again, I’m not alone. I don’t have to depend on myself, but can lean on God. His Holy Spirit will guide me, lead me, comfort me, lift me up, & push me forward no matter what this year brings. I only have to remember “In Christ Alone” my hope is found. There is an appointed time for everything and I will embrace whatever those “things” are this year. Why? Because God’s got this! He has my back! And folks, that is a great feeling.
Where’s your hope in this year of your life? In the world? Or In Him? Where you place your hope will make a difference as to how you face the “things” coming at you this year.
Thank you LORD for another year of life! You’re Awesome!
Blessings my friends,
Pastor Marty.
Worship, Grow, Serve.
I don’t usually like to draw attention to myself, but when this particular event fell today, it caused me to ponder. You know when Pastor Marty ponders, something is going to be said.
So, here is the event. Today is my birthday. I’m not going to give you my actual age, but will give you enough information for you to figure it out. My age today is exactly my birth year in the 1900’s. Yes, the 1900’s. Second, I’m a “Baby Boomer” so that will give the period in the 1900’s I was born. And lastly, if you take my age today and subtract it from this calendar year, you will get the calendar year of my birth, which again is exactly how old I am today.
Why do I bring my birthday up? That is a good question. As I said, I never liked drawing attention to my birthday. I know a lot of people bask in the day and love the excitement and attention. That’s not me. It is day that can come and go. Yes, I’m another year older, another 12 months logged in God’s book of life on His servant, Marty Egene Duffell. Don’t get me wrong. I am glad I was born. I am happy to be alive at this time and place. I am thankful for my wife and family. And most of all, I am thankful that God has chosen my to be an adopted son of His and made me an heir of heaven.
That being said, why then write an article about your birthday, even though it falls on the HOPE Connection day? I was thinking yesterday about another year in the books for me. What does that mean? What will this next year of my life bring me? What celebrations and what heartaches will I experience? How will I serve God this year of my life in ways that glorify Him who saved me? Most scholars believe King Solomon is the author of Ecclesiastes. Solomon, in his wisdom states that there is an appointed time for everything under heaven. Everything! A time to: give birth, to die; to plant, to uproot; to kill, to heal; to tear down, to build up; to weep, to laugh; to mourn, to dance; to throw stones, to gather stones; to embrace, to shun; to search, to give up as lost; to keep, to throw away; to tear apart, to sew together; to be silent, to speak; to love, to hate; for war, for peace.
This passage came to mind as I began to ponder these questions in my mind. Which of these will I face in this year of my existence? Many will come very naturally, others will be forced on my by the world. Some of these will bring me joy and happiness, while others will tear at my heartstrings.
Then I remembered once again, I’m not alone. I don’t have to depend on myself, but can lean on God. His Holy Spirit will guide me, lead me, comfort me, lift me up, & push me forward no matter what this year brings. I only have to remember “In Christ Alone” my hope is found. There is an appointed time for everything and I will embrace whatever those “things” are this year. Why? Because God’s got this! He has my back! And folks, that is a great feeling.
Where’s your hope in this year of your life? In the world? Or In Him? Where you place your hope will make a difference as to how you face the “things” coming at you this year.
Thank you LORD for another year of life! You’re Awesome!
Blessings my friends,
Pastor Marty.
Worship, Grow, Serve.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Adopted and Heirs
“For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, ‘Abba Father!’ The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children go God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.” Romans 8:14 - 17
In a week I will be celebrating a birthday. They seem to come faster these days, but glad to be able to celebrate. With my birthday this year I had to renew my NC Drivers License. So, I went into the DMV License Office in Aberdeen, took my ticket number like a good citizen would do and sat down with everyone else waiting my turn. My number was C-407. Finally I heard this automated voice state: “Now serving ticket number C-407 at station number 1. Great, my turn!
I walked over to the DMV License Examiner and told him I needed to renew my license. Handing him my old license he said, “Can you state you full name?” I thought, “Why, yes, yes I can. My name is Marty Egene Duffell.” What does this have to do with the passage above? Glad you asked! Every time I am asked to state my full name, in my mind, I go back to who I am as a person. Or in other words, I remember my father and mother because my name will always connect me to them.
Here is the thing (as some of you know), I was adopted. I was just a couple of days old with I was adopted by Jack and Irene Duffell. This couple had been told after they had a “still born” little girl (Dora Lynn Duffell), that because of the risk of another pregnancy, they should not try to have any more children. So in 1950 they adopted my sister, Vicki Lynn and in January of 1958 adopted me. With this adoption I became Marty Egene Duffell. I belonged to them. They were my mom and dad. I became not only their son, but a heir.
The Apostle Paul, writing to the church at Rome reminds us that by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, we have a new Father. We have been adopted as sons and daughters of God Almighty. We belong to Him in every sense of that word. He is a Father who cares about us every second of every day. He loves us, even in spite of our rebellion. He loves us and really wants the best for His children. That is why He has given us His Words to live by. If we live by the guidelines, morals, the standards that He has laid out for us, life is good!
This does not mean, no trials, no hardships, no suffering, or even death, but it means we are His. And this Good Good Father that has adopted us and claimed us as His, has also prepared an inheritance for us. Heaven and eternity has been promised for all those who love and serve the LORD by believing in faith in the SON, and His life, death, and resurrection for their sins. Jesus further said we are to believe His Word.
Fantastic, Right, that God Almighty, creator of all things, our heavenly Father, would love us so much that He would send His only Son to die for our sins and bring Him back to life to conquer death on our behalf so that we could be adopted and an heir of Christ Jesus, forever? How awesome is that?
Every time I have to state my full name, I am reminded that I was adopted by Jack and Irene Duffell, their son and heir. Every time I pray to my Father in heaven I’m reminded I am His and one day will be home with my family forever!!! Thanks be to God, my Father,
Pastor Marty.
Worship, Grow, Serve.
In a week I will be celebrating a birthday. They seem to come faster these days, but glad to be able to celebrate. With my birthday this year I had to renew my NC Drivers License. So, I went into the DMV License Office in Aberdeen, took my ticket number like a good citizen would do and sat down with everyone else waiting my turn. My number was C-407. Finally I heard this automated voice state: “Now serving ticket number C-407 at station number 1. Great, my turn!
I walked over to the DMV License Examiner and told him I needed to renew my license. Handing him my old license he said, “Can you state you full name?” I thought, “Why, yes, yes I can. My name is Marty Egene Duffell.” What does this have to do with the passage above? Glad you asked! Every time I am asked to state my full name, in my mind, I go back to who I am as a person. Or in other words, I remember my father and mother because my name will always connect me to them.
Here is the thing (as some of you know), I was adopted. I was just a couple of days old with I was adopted by Jack and Irene Duffell. This couple had been told after they had a “still born” little girl (Dora Lynn Duffell), that because of the risk of another pregnancy, they should not try to have any more children. So in 1950 they adopted my sister, Vicki Lynn and in January of 1958 adopted me. With this adoption I became Marty Egene Duffell. I belonged to them. They were my mom and dad. I became not only their son, but a heir.
The Apostle Paul, writing to the church at Rome reminds us that by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, we have a new Father. We have been adopted as sons and daughters of God Almighty. We belong to Him in every sense of that word. He is a Father who cares about us every second of every day. He loves us, even in spite of our rebellion. He loves us and really wants the best for His children. That is why He has given us His Words to live by. If we live by the guidelines, morals, the standards that He has laid out for us, life is good!
This does not mean, no trials, no hardships, no suffering, or even death, but it means we are His. And this Good Good Father that has adopted us and claimed us as His, has also prepared an inheritance for us. Heaven and eternity has been promised for all those who love and serve the LORD by believing in faith in the SON, and His life, death, and resurrection for their sins. Jesus further said we are to believe His Word.
Fantastic, Right, that God Almighty, creator of all things, our heavenly Father, would love us so much that He would send His only Son to die for our sins and bring Him back to life to conquer death on our behalf so that we could be adopted and an heir of Christ Jesus, forever? How awesome is that?
Every time I have to state my full name, I am reminded that I was adopted by Jack and Irene Duffell, their son and heir. Every time I pray to my Father in heaven I’m reminded I am His and one day will be home with my family forever!!! Thanks be to God, my Father,
Pastor Marty.
Worship, Grow, Serve.
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