Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"Keep Your Eyes On Him!"

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.  For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”  Matthew 7:13-14

Many of you know that I am an avid sports fan.  There are very few sporting events that I don’t enjoy watching.  When someone ask me what I do to have fun or as a hobby, I usually say, “Watch Sports.”  Yes, I know for some of you reading this you are saying, “What a waste of your time.”  But for me, it is truly relaxing.  It’s like when many of you sit down to read a book and get enjoyment, that is the way I feel.

I was watching the first inning of the 6th game of the NLCS (National League Championship Series) and watched the outfielder drop a routine fly ball.  In my opinion, that play started what was end for the LA Dodgers and a win for the Cubs that sent them to the World Series.  Oh, by the way, for those that don’t follow sports, I’m talking about a baseball game.  That fly ball was a hit that this guy or any outfielder in Major League Baseball would catch 99.9% of the time.  But if you watch the replay, you can see that he took his eyes off the ball in the air and looked around him.  In a prior game this same player who was running back towards the outfield wall to catch a fly ball, took his eyes off the ball to look at the wall and missed it too.  In baseball, as with many other sports, if you take your eye off the ball for a split second, you are done.  It is over.  That play will be off the mark.  There is a very narrow window for success and success will not happen when you look elsewhere when the ball is heading your way.

Folks, life is that way also.  Jesus begins His ministry, as recorded in Matthew’s gospel, with the Sermon on the Mount.  During His preaching Jesus gives us the verses above about how narrow the way is that leads to eternal life.  He states, “…the way is broad that leads to destruction…”  On the other hand, “…the way is narrow that leads to life…”
Jesus says that many will travel the broad way and few will travel the narrow way.  Why?  Because many take their eyes off the prize, eternal life, to look all around them.  They want to experience the ways of the world and all that the world has to offer.  They want to see and experience what others are doing, take a glance in this direction and that direction to see if that way looks better out in the world.  But Jesus says to stay focused on the way that leads to eternal life and that way is very narrow.  You have to stay focused on this journey with Christ or Satan will derail you and turn your eyes off of Jesus and the gift of eternal life.

It doesn't take much.  Like the Dodger outfielder who, just for a split second, took his eyes off the ball heading to his glove and missed it.  It only takes a moment when Satan gets our attention and says, “Click on this website and you will enjoy.  Turn to this channel and watch this movie and enjoy.  Look at that young lady or young man and enjoy.”  Satan says, “Enjoy my world!  You don’t need to read the Bible, you know enough.  You don’t need to worry about social issues any longer, things have changed.”  Satan says,  “Women who get pregnant really aren’t pregnant, so abortion is fine.”  Satan wants you to take your eyes off Christ and the prize He offers, eternal life, and focus on the world around you.  DON”T DO IT!!

The Apostle Paul does a twist on the seen and unseen.  He states: “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18

Paul is reminding us that though we have not seen Jesus face to face, He is real, He is alive and well and keeping our eyes on Him is eternal.  Everything else, all the world and Satan has to offer is only temporary and will fade away.

Do Not take your eyes off of Him!!!  It’s worth it!

Blessings my friends, 
Pastor Marty

Worship, Grow, & Serve                      

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

"Fear God"

There are a couple of meanings the dictionary has for the word “Fear.”  First it says:
A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.  The second meaning is where I want to go today and that definition says: reverential awe, especially toward God.
It appears to me that we, and when I say we I mean the church, believers, have lost their fear of God.  No, I’m not saying we have lost our belief or our salvation, or our desire to serve Him, but it seems to me we have lost our reverence for Him.  We have lost our awe of the creator God, the God of the universe, the One and only True God.  The Apostle Paul tells the Romans that:  
 “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”       Romans 3:18
I know this has been prevalent for centuries, but it seems that the lack of the fear of God has permeated the church more than ever.  Why has this happened?  Because we have lifted one of the great attributes of God and left the other by the wayside.  
What does the church lift up?  God is a God of love.  He loves us and a loving God would never be a judgmental God.  A God of love would never be a God of justice.  Many churches, pastors, leaders, and congregates have dropped the God of justice.  When we do that, the fear, the reverence for God stops.  
God is a God of love and His desire is for all to be saved.  But as scripture tells us, there will be those who are not saved, never coming into a relationship with Him and will be judged to eternal damnation, hell.  We can leave those verses out of our teaching, but it does not change the facts.  
“And he said with a loud voice, ‘Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters.’”                Revelation 14:7
I believe the church has to be more intentional in the teaching of “Fearing God.”  We have dumbed down our Christianity to the point that God becomes our sugar daddy.  Let’s go to Him when we need something or when something is not going right or we find ourselves in a health crisis and want Him to fix it.  The world, along with many in the church, has lost its fear of God.  We need to be teaching our children and adults to have reverence, awe, fear for God.  Why?
Here is why.  The “fear of God” changes our attitude towards Him.  When we revere Him we view Him as He really is.  He becomes the LORD of the universe and the LORD of our lives.  We realize that nothing else will do.  There is NO one else that can fill that void in our life but Him.  When we “fear God” our worship changes.  When we “fear God” our obedience changes.  When we “fear God” everything changes.  Not only should we “fear God,” but He commands it.
“You shall fear only the Lord your God; and you shall worship Him and swear by His name”.  Deuteronomy 6:13
“Therefore, you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him.”  Deuteronomy 8:6
 “Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy; for all the nations will come and worship before You, for Your righteous acts have been revealed.” Revelation 15:4
Church, let’s “fear God” and glorify His name for He is worthy of our praise.  Let us teach our children what it means to “fear God.”  Bringing the “fear of God” back into our church vocabulary, I believe, could be a good thing.  Again, something for us to think about!

Blessings friends,
Pastor Marty

Worship, Grow, & Serve