50 “Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 53 For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this moral must put on immortality.” 1st Corinthians 15:50;53
If you have been reading the HOPE Connection for any length of time you know that I often use my life experiences to make application to our walk with Christ. Today’s rendering is no different. So bear with me. I’ll make the correlation.
4 Years ago I purchased a used 2005 truck with around 83,000 miles on it. For the most part it has been a dependable truck. But once it passed the 200,000 mile mark it seems old “Blue” (yes, my daughter names all our vehicles) decided, “I’m done.” After putting several $1000 into it over the past 2 months, finally the transmission issues caused me to admit, it was time for “Blue” to go. So last Monday I traded “Blue” for “Babe” (yes the name of my “new” truck) a 2008 truck with only 71,000 miles. I’m praying this one will last 4 or 5 years too.
There is more though, that caused me to use this experience in this article. Having just dealt with my truck issues, this past Saturday night, checking the oil in my 2006 Honda Pilot, it was not only low on oil, but it did not even show on the stick. Even with 307,000 miles on it, yes 307,000, it has never needed oil between oil changes. Then yesterday while I was driving the Pilot home from church, my wife was following my in my truck and when we got home she said, “Marty, you are NOT going to want to hear this, but the Pilot (which by the way is named “Bessie”) was smoking from the exhausts on the way home.” REALLY? GREAT!!!! Now I’ll have to figure out how we replace this car. I will have to say, “Bessie” has been a great car and has served us well for over 10 years. I cannot complain with 307,000 miles.
On Sunday night I was thinking about this situation I now find myself in, and as usual, my mind drifted to God’s Word. I know, I’m crazy, but it just seems to happen to me often. I have just finished preaching through 1st Corinthians 15 in January and I thought, I will be sooooooo happy when the perishable puts on the imperishable. Ok, I know Paul is talking about humans, not inanimate objects, but look folks, the longer we stay on this earth, we are perishing. I am looking forward for many reasons to Eternity, but one of these is for this perishable body to put on imperishability.
I don’t know about you, but even at 59 years of age, with all I’ve done in life, my body aches. Joints with arthritis and energy levels below my expectations make me realize that I want to feel 30 again. With the beautiful weather this past Saturday I worked all day in the yard and let me tell you when I got up Sunday morning, I could feel it. Not good!
With the “Fall” of mankind, death entered the picture and our bodies began to fail. But God had a plan. It was a twofold plan to make the perishable imperishable, all through His Son, Jesus Christ. If you come to faith in Christ, truly accept Him as Savior and Lord of your life, then if you die before His second coming, you will put on the imperishable. Glory!!! Oh, I’m ready to go, but hoping to have a long life. Second, when He returns all those who remain will be caught up with Him and will put on the imperishable. I am looking forward to that also. So whether in death, or His second coming, we are secure in Him and will put on “IMPERISHABILITY.” We will have a body that is perfect, a body that does not wear out, a resurrected body with no more pain. Hallelujah! Until then, we will live in the world of the perishable.
I will have to deal with my car situation. Not sure how yet, but have no doubt, God will provide a way. As far as myself, God created me, God saved me, and God will sustain me through the power of His Holy Spirit. I’m going to claim and live into Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” But I’ll have to say, I’m looking forward to eternity!!!!
Blessings my friends,
Pastor Marty
Worship, Grow & Serve