Wednesday, September 20, 2017

“Jesus, The Anchor of the Soul”

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”  Hebrews 10:23 - 25 (NASB)
As I read the news of today, certain headlines catch my eye.  One that I noticed this week read: “Suicide attempts among young American adults on rise, study says.”  It caught my eye, not in a way most of you reading this would think.  It was not just the word “Suicide,” but the term “young American adults.”  
Of course, as I read the article, some of the numbers are staggering.  In the past 10 years, the study shows (study by JAMA Psychiatry) that suicide attempts have risen 3 quarters of a percent.  And they says the increase is in young adults between the ages of 21 to 34.  One other fact that I was unaware of that they shared in the article was more women attempt suicide than men.  This article states from data collected by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention that on average: 121 take their lives everyday in American, 44,000 annually. How sad this is!
So I said, “Young adults” caught my eye in the headline.  Here is why!  It is not that I am unaware of the suicide rates in America, but when we are showing the rise over the past 10 plus years is in young adults, what does that say?  And, does it have anything to do with faith/church?  Does it have anything to do with this age group’s mass exodus from the church?
In an article The Barna Group posted in March of this year, the millennials (this age group of 21 to 34) view the church this way: 30% see no reason to go to church, 40% waffle in the middle of whether church is important, and 30% say church is an important part of their life.  With these statistics it is safe to say that about 1/2 of millennials (this age group) do not see church, the gathering for corporate worship, as a necessity and without Jesus, I believe true HOPE is lost.
So I began to ask myself, is there any correlation between these two data points?  And my answer is yes!  The Hebrews writer reminds us that we are to hold fast to our confession of HOPE and not forsake our assembly together.  In chapter 6 of Hebrews we read:
“In the same way God, desiring even more to show to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of His purpose, interposed with an oath, so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us.  This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest…” Hebrews 6: 17 - 20 
If we forsake worship of God, see no importance of this gathered community for encouragement and growth, for love and care, a place where your HOPE in Christ is made stronger, then there is a piece of the soul missing.  This HOPE in Christ “anchors” our soul.  Without it, the world and Satan and all the ills of the world will try to fill that void.  And Satan’s ploy is to tell us we have NO HOPE!  Satan’s message is “Why live?” And so many buy into it!
Folks!  It is so important for all of us to NOT give up on church, on God, on our assembling to grow in HIM who is our anchor of the soul.  The church has to continue to look for ways to impact these new generations that are coming along for the sake of the gospel.  Our children’s ministries and youth ministries have to be talking about these things.  Our youth and young adults have to understand the importance of church, and not let that go by the wayside in their college years and beyond.  We have to teach about Jesus who will anchor your soul.  Let us all pray that these statistics will change and Jesus, the anchor of the soul, becomes the priority again!
Blessings folks, 
Pastor Marty Duffell

Pastor of HOPE Church Raleigh - Worship - Grow - Serve

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

“The Ultimate First Responder”

Just a few days ago we passed through another September 11th or what we commonly now call - 9/11.  I would think that many of you reading this remember exactly where you were that day, that moment you got word about what was happening in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania.  Yet there are many who do not.  Some were not born yet.  Some were too young to remember.  Some have only seen the pictures and heard the stories of that day that will live in our history forever.
What happened on 9/11 was a terrible tragedy and had a huge impact, not only on our nation and the world, but on so many families that lost love ones that day in all three areas.  Sometimes I think we forget that there were lost lives in Pennsylvania and Washington D.C.  We cannot forget any of ALL that took place that day.  For if we do not learn from it and remember, we will most certainly repeat it.  History has a way of doing that.
For me, one of the most breath taking sites of that day as I watched the unfolding events, was the First Responders rushing INTO a burning high rise building in NY.  Firemen and police just began running INTO a burning, exploding, soon to be collapsing building.  For what reason?  To save lives.  
Over the past few weeks we have seen this happening again.  Not a burning building, but flooded homes, businesses, and cars.  People needing help in a moment of chaos.  People who fear for their lives and need someone who is willing to risk their life for them.  These First Responders are amazing.  They have an innate instinct to “respond” without hesitation.  
My son Chris is a Paramedic and an Assistant Fire Chief.  I hear just a few of his stories of response to situations and I’m in awe.  I got to experience that one day when he was with us in Raleigh.  We were at Triangle Mall and had just finished eating at the Food Court.  As were in the van about to leave the parking lot and we heard someone yelling.  We looked and there was a man running out of one of the anchor department stores in a white tee shirt.  Behind him was a Security Guard yelling for him to stop.  I am not sure the Security Guard was going to catch this man mainly due to their size differences.  My son Chris shouted at Terry, my wife, stop and at the same time was jumping out of the van.  He took off running and tackled the guy from behind in the parking lot.  Twisted his arm behind him and put his knee in his back until the Security Guard and other back-up arrived.  I looked at Terry and said, “I can’t believe that just happened.”  I’m telling you, there is something about these First Responders that in an emergency or dyer situation, they can put their own safety, their own life aside to help another in need.  Needless to say, I was very proud my son captured a shoplifter that day.
Saying all of that, here is my point.  I’m always amazed that people do not see the Ultimate First Responder.  The One who gave it all.  The One who left heaven and came down to a lost, sick, satan fill earth.  The One who took the abuse and suffering from this world and walking INTO the pain of death for ALL.  Yes ALL!  All who believe!  Jesus Christ responded to the call of His Father that the time was right that His plan of redemption, salvation, “SAVING” was to take place and Jesus did not hesitate to take on the work of saving a lost world.  Jesus is the ultimate First Responder.  He, giving His life for a sinner such as I.  
Here is the additional wonder of it all.  The Ultimate First Responder said, Not, only will I save your life from the darkness of sin, give you joy and hope in a lost world, but belief in ME, your Savior, will give you life after death.  Or in some of the most wonderful words ever spoken, “Eternal Life with Me!”  Eternal…Forever!!!  Come on folks!  You’ve got to either be smiling or crying.  This Ultimate First Responder has and continues to make the offer.  Why would anyone even think about going down (no pun intend) with the world, when the Ultimate First Responder, Jesus Christ has come and provided a way out? 
I am so thankful for all of those men and women who have answered the call to be First Responders around the world.  It is often a thankless job and even some times goes on without notice.  But these men and women are true heroes in my eyes.
Maybe this article will make you either give thanks or think about the Ultimate First Responder.  At least, that is my hope.
Thank you Jesus for saving my life!  From your servant, Marty Duffell
Blessings folks,
Pastor Marty Duffell
Pastor of HOPE Church Raleigh 
Worship - Grow - Serve