The word “Behold” is an intriguing word to me. The Webster definition of the word, in my opinion, does not do it justice. Webster states: “Behold: to observe; look at; or see.” Come on Webster, can’t we add something more than that?
My family has had the wonderful gift of two different sets of friends over the past several years that have allowed us to stay in their condo at the beach a week during the summer. Sitting on the balcony and watching the sunset at the beach is amazing. The colors are so vivid. The orange and the shimmering water absolutely puts you in a state of awe. As one of the owners posted on Facebook about a month ago, “How can you look at this sunset and believe there is no God.” Yes, he used the word “look at” which means “Behold.” But when you really “Behold” something special, it’s more than a glance, a look. When you “Behold” something that is truly special, it effects you inside. In fact, effects your entire being. Your very senses are heightened. There are times your heart races. You can even get goosebumps when you “Behold.”
I remember the first time I saw my son Chris as a baby I was about to adopt. To “Behold” the little baby in my hands flooded my soul with tears, joy, and awe. And to “Behold” Emma Grace as she was born, just 2lbs, 50z., could hold her in the palm of my hand, was absolutely amazing. I was on cloud nine. What a great word “Behold” is! It is more than just a look and see or just observe.
For me, maybe not everyone, but for me, when I hear this word “Behold” my mind runs to two short verses of scripture. And while these verses are often only heard/read at this time of the year, every time I hear “Behold” my mind races to these two verses.
God used this word, not “observe,” not “look at,” or “see,” but “Behold.” Behold, because there is nothing else more precious. Behold, because there is no one ever greater to behold! Yes, to the verses!
Luke 2:10-11 “But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.’”
You see, I hear that word “behold” and my mind races to Jesus, my Savior. I can behold in my mind the Christ child, the Messiah, the one promised, now fulfilled. I can even behold in my mind’s eye the Shepherds hearing the “Good News” and goosebumps covering them. Can you imagine what they felt, not just as a choir of angels sang before them about the birth of Jesus, but when they actually were able to behold this child in person? They were effected in such a way that they could not keep it to themselves. Luke tells us they went telling about this child and all who heard were in wonder. This is what it means to “behold” Him!
We begin the Advent Season on Sunday which is a time of remembering “His first coming” and “anticipation of His Second,” but never forgetting the impact, the gift, this special gift from God. Maybe those of you who have read this article, when hearing the word “behold,” will now think of Jesus, the Savior of the world. What a gift to behold.
Blessings to you all,
Pastor Marty Duffell-Pastor, HOPE Church Raleigh
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