"Broken That Resolution Yet?"
It was late in the afternoon, Thursday, September 9, 1976 that I walked onto an airplane at RDU Airport in Raleigh heading for San Antonio TX. I was eighteen years old and had never been on an airplane, much less traveled away from my family across the country to an unknown city. We flew from RDU to Atlanta and had a layover. I found out what that meant once we landed in Atlanta. From Atlanta we flew to the San Antonio Airport and landed shortly after mid-night. As we came out of the baggage area of the terminal there was a TI (USAF Training Instructor) gathering up all those flying for the next BMT Class (Basic Military Training Class). He seemed very nice. He was joking around some as we waited for other flights to land from other areas of the country. Finally we headed out of the terminal and boarded buses to take us to Lackland AFB.
Once on the base we stopped at a building where all of us were told to take our bag (could only have one bag) and go inside and sit down. Once inside a TI began to call out names and divide the recruits into two (2) groups. One group, my group, became the 3766 BMTS (Basic Military Training Squadron). The other group became the 3767 BMTS. Our Squadron Training Instructors (TI’s) took us outside into a alley, lined us up, and then everything changed and I do mean everything. I could use here the sentence, “All _ _ _ _ broke loose.” but I spare you the language. For the next hour we ran in place, were told to pick up your bags, put our bags down, pick up your bag, put your bag down in repeated repetition over and over again. Those that began to complain, well, let’s just say, they received a stern talking to nose to nose with our TI. To make a long story short, the next 6 weeks were interesting, but in the end, very beneficial.
I became one of the Squad Leaders and that gave me a inside tract with the TI. By the end of our training I was in his office and talking about the process of the BMTS program for recruits. He said, “Our main purpose is to break you down and build you back up SO THAT, you become disciplined, obedient and loyal to who you need to be and what you need do.”
I thought about this last night as I watched the College Football National Championship Game. No, it was not the game that prompted this memory, it was a commercial, in fact, an Allstate commercial. If you watch TV any at all you have seen the Allstate commercials with “Mayhem.” Their tag line, “Don’t get caught with me, Mayhem. Be protected with Allstate.”
But since January 1st, Allstate “Mayhem” commercials changed. Mayhem was not allowing mayhem any longer, but doing good things, disciplined, helping out, for example being a lightening rod on a roof protecting the house. Being a tennis ball on a string protecting your car from damage in the garage. A flair on a dark road protecting your broken down RV. Mayhem said he had made a “New Years Resolution” to protect instead of cause mayhem.
Last night that changed during the CFP game. Mayhem, while being a “obedient/good” flair protecting the broken down RV found out you had already broken your New Year’s Resolution, so he said, “Well, if you cannot keep your New Year’s resolution even two weeks, then I certainly am not.” So Mayhem put out his flair protecting the RV and of course, mayhem happened.
Many of you can attest to Mayhem’s statement. You have already broken your New Year’s Resolution. If you haven’t yet, it is most likely coming. It is hard to stay the course. It is hard to maintain the discipline and obedience needed to keep that vow, that commitment to succeed. Unfortunately, the same thing happens with our commitments to the LORD. We have the best intentions to stay the course. I’m going to read the Bible more. I am going to be faithful in my worship attendance. I’m going to be involved in the ministry of my church, serving others more, etc. But then a friend says, “Hey, I’m going to the beach Sunday morning, want to come along?” Oh, it’s just one Sunday, you think. But once breaks the discipline, the obedience you committed to and once broken it is hard to put back into place.
Our LORD has commanded us to be disciplined/obedient to HIM. “…if you obey My voice and keep My covenant…” Ex 19:5; “…obey the Lord your God…” Deut. 27:10; “…obey His Word…” Ps.103:20; “…obey God rather then men.” Acts 5:29; “…to obey Jesus Christ…” 1 Peter 1:2; “…you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed.” Rm. 6:17 (There are so many more I could use.)
And there is the ultimate verse: “from the heart; committed to HIS teaching.” Today is the 10th day of January 2018. Let us ALL consider our discipline/obedience in our relationship to our LORD and ALL make the commitment to WORSHIP - GROW and SERVE Him in ALL we do from this day forward “SO THAT, you become disciplined, obedient, and loyal to who you need to be and what you need do” as a follower of Jesus Christ.
Blessings my friends,
Pastor Marty - Pastor of HOPE Church Raleigh
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