Therefore if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. -- 2 Corinthians 5:17
As many of you know that attend HOPE Church, we have recently re-sealed our parking lot. The parking lot is well over 2 decades old and had begun to deteriorate. Sand and pebbles covered the surface. Having the lot checked out, we were told that if we re-seal it we could get 3 to 5 years more use out of it before having to put down a new asphalt surface. For the Leadership Team, that sounded like a good solution for us at this time.
When the company that came to re-seal cleaned off the parking lot. Then they took melted tar and filled in the breaks and cracks in the existing asphalt. And then finally they sprayed on a tar based chemical sealant. It actually looks pretty good.
I was walking out to the mailbox on Monday which is near Green Road and as I walked I began to look at the parking lot surface. Yes, as I said, it looks very nice and new. But if you look a little closer, what you will see is the old cracks showing through. It is not a new parking lot, not a new surface, but only COVERED by a spray on tan. In this case, black in color. Everything under the spray on black is still the same. In a few years we are going to have to come back and either try the re-sealing again or actually put down NEW asphalt. It's actually just a make-over, nothing permanent.
Folks, many of those today that say they are Christians seem to have done a make-over. They appear to be new, they show up for worship, put a little something in the plate when it is passed, say some of the right words, do some good things. BUT is there evidence of a true change?
God's Word tells us that we are a new creature in Christ, the old things have passed away and new things have come. In many people today I see them trying to hold on to the old while claiming the new. If we try to do that in our walk with Christ, all we have done is sprayed on a new look, but nothing has changed inside that makes us NEW. And in time, because we are holding on to the old self, the pebbles will make their way to the surface again and we will be in the same place we were years before.
In our 1 Corinthians sermon series we are learning what it means to live a holy life. Learning what it means to be changed as a follower of Jesus Christ from the inside out. No superficial Christianity, but authentic Christianity! Paul says that we need to mature, grow up in our faith, not continue to live on babies milk.
How can we do that? How can our new life in Christ have the depth of newness He requires? It is very simple. Worship, Grow, & Serve! Worship the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Grow in Him by study of His Word, a daily devotional life, daily prayer life, exposing yourself to biblical preaching and teaching. And then finally loving your neighbor as yourself. Serving! Serving is not just doing a mission project, fixing something for a special dinner. Serving is much more than that. Serving is sharing Christ with others. Being Christ in a lost world. Serving is looking for opportunities to make a difference in the lives of others. Serving is selflessness, placing others before you.
When we become a people who Worship, Grow, & Serve, Oh my goodness folks, you will begin to see the depth of your love for God and your walk with God explode. No more spray on superficial covering that will wear off in time and produce again the old self. NO! This depth of your new self in Christ Jesus will last, never wear out and ultimately bring you to victory one day as you hear the words, "Well done my good and faithful servant!"
Here is the question: Is your walk Superficial or does it have Depth?
Blessing my friends,
Pastor Marty
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