Wednesday, February 17, 2016

At The Cross

“...who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Philippians 2:6-8

I usually begin thinking about my next Connection/Blog ( article the day after writing the current one. I look for experiences that week, events, writing on the church seasons, etc. This week was no different. I asked my wife on Monday night if she had a suggestion for this week’s article. She had none. So, when I went to bed I said, “Ok, Lord, I’d like some help with this one,” and the Lord did not disappoint. I just love how He works. Here’s what happened.

I woke up during the night, wide awake. I looked over at the clock and it read, “3:33.” Immediately this popped into my head, 3 crosses, 3 crucified, 3 days. It’s about the cross! I got it Lord. Thank you.

I handed out crosses on Sunday to my congregation and told them to put them somewhere they could see them daily. I challenged the men to make sure they did what I asked. Men tend to have the human nature not to follow through with those types of requests. I’m including myself in that statement.

Why point to the cross this Lenten Season? At HOPE Church we are preaching through the Seven Last Words of Christ from the cross. We are singing songs about the cross. Why? Because I believe many have forgotten the cross. Without the cross of Jesus Christ, there would be NO forgiveness of sin. He was the perfect Lamb of sacrifice for the sin of the world. In the Philippians passage above, Paul reminds us that Jesus was obedient to God’s plan of salvation, that being, death on a cross. Without blood sacrifice, there is no forgiveness of sin. Jesus Christ became that, by pouring out His blood upon the cross.

There were 3 crosses and 3 crucified that day. Luke 23:32 tells us that two criminals were sentenced and crucified with Jesus on the hill called the Skull. One of the criminals on His left, the other on His right. Here we see again the perfect plan of salvation offered from the cross. I will be preaching on this 2nd Word from the cross this Sunday (2/21/16). If you can join us for worship, please come, but if not, go to our YouTube page and view the sermon on Salvation from the cross. (go to: and type HopeEPC in the search box).

So the 3:33 on the clock gave me 3 crosses, 3 crucifixions, and 3 days. I’ve reminded us of Christ sacrifice on the cross. His obedience even to the point of death for our sin. Forgiveness and Salvation was rendered for those who would believe. But what about 3 days?

Yes, 3 days later Christ was resurrected and conquered death giving new life to all who would believe. Love it! That is fantastic! I’m so glad I will not experience the second death, that is, eternal separation from God. But that did not seem to be what God was saying to me. Then it hit me. Listen to the words of our Savior.

“If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it. For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits himself? For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory...” Luke 9:23-26

And there you have it. Oh, maybe you didn’t get the 3 days? The story of the cross begins on Good Friday with 3 crosses and 3 crucifixions. That story carries through 3 days later to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the story of the cross and for those who believe, they are to carry their cross daily and follow Him. It won’t be easy. In fact, because of the world, because of Satan, because of our fallen nature, it won’t be easy at all. But we must not forsake the story of the cross to gain the world. We must never be ashamed of the gospel, the story of the cross and ever have Jesus look at us and say, “I’m ashamed of you.”

I told my congregation they could put their cross in a place where others might see it during this Lenten Season. By doing so, it might spark a conversation. It might open a door to talk about the cross of Christ and what it means to you.

At the Cross, yes at the cross, salvation was poured out! Maybe, just maybe with you and I telling the 3:33 story, God will use us in leading someone to His cross.

Blessings my friends,
Pastor Marty.

Worship, Grow, Serve.

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