Wednesday, March 9, 2016

You Can Make A Difference

“And He (Jesus) said to them, ‘Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.’” Luke 20: 25

This is a familiar passage to most Christians. They have heard this text recited many times most likely. The context of the verses is this, the Pharisees were trying to trap Jesus once again so they asked Him, “Is it lawful for us to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” (Luke 20:22) Jesus knew they were trying to trick Him so He asked for a coin. “Show Me a denarius. Whose likeness and inscription does it have? They said, Caesar’s.” (Luke 20:24) Jesus then responded with the verse above.
These verses have been taken many ways. One is, yes, pay your taxes called for by the government so not to disturb the officials, but also give to God what He has called us to do in His Word. Others have said it means that Jesus was only saying obey the laws of the land. I believe He was saying to obey the laws of the land but also reminding the Pharisees, and all believers, that God has an expectation of our gifts, offerings, tithes. We are aliens in this world, but also where we live. We are to be faithful to His call in all things and have a duty to live in this world in such a way as to express holiness in the our daily decisions we make.

So how do we reconcile some of the predicaments we find ourselves in as Christians, even Evangelical Christians, when we desire to contribute to the process of electing leaders in the world we live in? Good question!

I try not to get political in my articles in the HOPE Connection, but because of the current atmosphere in society and with the label “Evangelicals” being used everyday in the media to make pronouncements, I do want to speak to the matter today. We who live in North Carolina will have the opportunity to exercise our right to vote this coming Tuesday, March 15, 2016. Will you exercise that right to vote given to you by the US government? And if so, what determines the way you vote?

The first question is, will you vote? I had someone, “that is in the know,” tell me that only half of the Evangelical Christians in America are registered to vote and of those registered only 25% will vote. If we have 100 Evangelicals, of which only 50 are registered to vote, then with the current statistics, only 12.5 Evangelicals will actually vote. Only 12.5 out of 100 will vote. How sad! But we hear in the media that such and such candidate received 50% of the Evangelical vote in that state
and the others received 30% making sound like a large number. When in reality, when you look at the numbers of actual voters who claim to be Evangelical Christians, it is a very small number that actually voted. Using percentages makes it sound larger.

For those of you who are not registered to vote, it is too late now for March 15th, but not for the General Election in November. I encourage you as an Evangelical to vote.

The second question is what will determine your vote? As an Evangelical Christian, I research the candidates and make my decision on their stances as they relate to God’s Word and what I believe are positive position for our country. I’ll give you an example. All of you know that I DO NOT support abortion. I believe it is killing a life created by God. It baffles me how the same courts that uphold a law stating a baby is not a life before birth can uphold a law stating that if a woman that is murdered while pregnant, the person charged can be charged for a double murder. How can you have it both ways?

I research the candidates on their stances and see if they pass the “smell test” for me as an Evangelical. If so, I will consider voting for them. If not, then they will not get my vote. I do this across the board. You may say, “But Marty, I don’t have time to do that and besides my vote won’t count.” You are right thinking that your vote won’t count... unless you vote. And as far as taking the time to research, I believe that is one reason we are in the mess we are in now. Evangelical Christians have given up and said, “The heck with this” and have quit. It certainly plays out in the numbers in the end. I refuse to give up. I will exercise my right as an American citizen to cast my vote for the man/woman who aligns with my Evangelical views. Otherwise, they don’t get my vote.

I believe we can make a difference in this world we live in. Our witness and testimony in how we live in this world, how we treat others on a daily basis, and why we support and vote for certain candidates can make a difference in others lives. Folks, carrying out the right we have to vote is not contrary to scripture, as some would have you believe. As Evangelicals, at least be part of the 12.5 of each 100 that will vote this year. My prayer is that the LORD our God will bless this nation once again! Let it be so Lord! Let it be so!

Blessings my friends,
Pastor Marty.

Worship, Grow, Serve.

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