"I've Got Your Back"
Our Youth from HOPE are going rock climbing this Sunday afternoon. If you have never been rock climbing at one of these indoor places, you ought to stop in sometime and observe. It is very interesting to watch.
There are two ways to climb the rock walls. One is a kind of free-style. You are on your own. You powder you hands so your grip won’t slip as easily. And you can choose different walls to climb in accordance to the difficulty. Here is the problem with this choice (in my opinion), while individually challenging, it is individually challenging. In other words, there is no one to have your back. If you miss a grip, well, you fall on the mats below.
The other way to rock climb walls in one of these venues is to belay. Belay is a different way of climbing. First, you have to have a partner. You cannot belay alone. Second, you have to be trained in the proper technique of belaying before you can even start. If you have not been trained, you CANNOT climb one of the belay walls. These walls are higher, steeper, more difficult and more dangerous. Someone has to have your back. Oh, by the way, belaying has to do with a rope being attached to you and your partner. You are linked and dependent on him or her to guard or climb and protect your fall. It is very interesting to watch.
I was reading in my devotion this week the call of Moses by God at the burning bush in Midian at Mount Horeb. You all know the story of God’s call for Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egypt. As God comes calling, Moses rebukes, “I cannot do it! I’m not a leader. I’m not a speaker. No one will listen to me!” God says, “Hey Moses, I’ve got your back. I AM! and tell them I Am has sent you? Furthermore, I’ll give you a partner to help you and guard you, and even protect you as you go. Aaron, your brother will be at your side.” Moses took on the mission and lived into it fully, for he had partners in God and Aaron. They had his back.
So often, in our walk, we try to go it alone like the individual style of rock climbing. We say, “I don’t need someone else to help me. I’ve got this by myself.” While an admirable challenge, in life we need a partner. In our Christian life, even more so. Satan and this world is going to throw every challenge and road block to make you fall. Satan’s purpose in life is to cause your failure. When you have someone who has your back, who is there for you to help in times of need, trouble, or to steer you back onto the right path, man, what a great asset in life.
I was talking to a close friend on Sunday and we were talking about this very thing. He said he had told someone that he had two men in his life that he could call any time of any day and say, “I need you” and they would be there without question. I’m one of those men in his life and I know that those two would do the same for me. They have my back. They challenge me to walk with Christ, holding me accountable to HIM who has called me. These two men in my life live into 1st Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.”
Do you have someone you have partnered with, belayed with (become attached to), to have your back? Someone who holds you accountable in your walk with Christ? Someone who steers you the right way when you seem to take a wrong turn? Someone who challenges you and you know will be there for you at any cost? I hope you have that person in your life. But know this! Our God is always with you and will not forsake you and HE too has your back. As a true believer, your life is secure in Him and nothing will be able to separate you from Him! As with Moses, if He calls you, He will equip you. How awesome is this folks, to know that God has your back!
Blessings my friends,
Pastor Marty
Worship, Grow & Serve