"Tell The Story"
“That day Jesus went out of the house and was sitting by the sea. And large crowds gathered to Him, so He got into the boat and sat down, and the who crowd was standing on the beach. And He spoke many things to them in parables, saying…” Matthew 13:1-3a
“Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying…” Matthew 22:1
Over and over again in the gospel, especially the Gospel of Matthew, we hear “Jesus spoke to them again in a parable.” The definition of a Parable is: “a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. A statement or comment that converts a meaning indirectly by the use of comparison, analogy, or the like.” dictionary.com
Jesus used these stories He told them to convey a truth, religious principle, or moral lesson that would cause one to think, gain wisdom, or in some cases be confused. Often, after telling one of these simple stories, Jesus would have to go back and explain what the story meant to bring understanding. Still, groups like the Pharisees did not understand what he was saying because they did not KNOW Him.
The true church of Jesus Christ calls the world, “A lost world” because the world does not know Him. How can you understand who someone is unless you know them? To know Christ is to have a relationship with Him. To know Christ is to study His Word? To know Christ is to communicate with Him in prayer. Otherwise, He is nothing more than a religious figure. It is important to know the stories of Christ so you get to know Him.
I had the opportunity to spend some time with one of my congregational members who lost her mom this week. During those few hours I got to know her and her mom because of the stories that were shared. They were precious stories from the heart and such a blessing for me to hear. Stories that shaped her, carried her, and now sustain her. But here is the thing, because she is a follower of Jesus Christ and her mom was a follower of Jesus Christ, the stories Jesus told remind her that this is not the end. There is more! In fact, a reuniting one day! Stories are important.
Our own stories shape us into who we are. Our understanding of HIS story and how His story impacts our lives saves us and brings us into His eternal story. How precious! How fantastic is that!!!
I would invite you to begin to share your story of Christ with others. You will be surprised how many people will listen. People love stories. When you share your authentic story of Christ, the Holy Spirit will draw those He is working on to Him. His desire is for us to tell the STORY and what better example do we have?
Pastor Marty
Worship, Grow & Serve
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