Wednesday, May 2, 2018


“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.”  
John 16:33
As many of you know, Terry and I were in Roanoke Virginia this past weekend for the Presbytery Meeting of the Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic.  It was the first time for Terry visiting Roanoke and I had not been in Roanoke since the 1960’s.  So we tried to do a little exploring in between my obligations to the Presbytery.
We were told by many that we should go up onto Mill Mountain and see “The Roanoke Star.”  The Roanoke Star is the worlds largest man-made star and was erected in 1949.  Because of the star, Roanoke has become known as the Star City of the South.  The steel structure is 100 feet tall.  The star is 88 1/2 feet tall and just the star weighs 10,000 pounds.  It has 2000 feet of neon tubing and can be seen across the entire valley and from the air for over 60 miles.  It is an awesome sight.  If you are ever in Roanoke, it is worth your time to go up on Mill Mountain and see it.
When we arrived on the mountain, we had to park in the lower parking lot and walk up the path to the Star.  At the beginning of the path up was an overhang where you can go out over the side of the mountain and view the valley and city below.  We noticed as we were making our way to the overhang that a wedding had just finished and pictures of the bride and groom were being taken.  The pastor who performed the wedding was making his way off the overhang and started up the path towards the Star.  He had parked in the upper parking lot (top of the mountain) near the Star.  Terry and I, once the pictures were finished, walked out onto the overhang and took in the view.  After a few minutes started our way up the mountain to the Star.
About half way up the path to the top was a bench and the wedding pastor was sitting down and rubbing his knees.  The wedding party was in front of us and the groom asked is he was okay.  The pastor said, “This hill has taken a toll on my knees, but this bench along this path has been my salvation.”
Hearing that statement, of course, sent me to God’s Word, “… in Me you may have peace.  In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.” 
So often, I believe Believers forget God’s promise.  Oh, for a while, we may be fully aware of God’s concern for us.  But then, when God begins to use us in His work, call on us to walk that steep path up the hill, places we don’t really want to or desire to go, we begin to talk only of our trials and difficulties, our tribulations of this world and forget about the bench.  Yes, the bench!
Jesus has provided “benches” along the way of this journey.  No, not for us to stay there or give up, but to refuel, refresh, re-nourish ourselves to continue the journey in this world.  He knows the trials and has overcome them.  We too, are overcomers.  His Word, worship, prayer, and fellowship with other Believers fuel us for the journey.  His indwelling Holy Spirit gives us strength for the difficult journey in this world.  And yes, even in the midst of the trials, we CAN have peace, knowing that Jesus provides the benches for us to rest.  Oswald Chambers states, “We are to do it with an infinitely greater power to withstand the struggle because we have been born from above.”
As we were making our way back down the mountain from seeing the Roanoke Star, the bench where the pastor had been sitting was empty.  The bench had done its job.  It had provided a resting place along that difficult climb.  And after rest, now refueled, the journey could be continued to completion.
Oh family of God, our Lord is good.  We focus too many times on the trials and not on Him.  Lean on Him in ALL things on this journey of life.  For in Him we can OVERCOME!
Pastor Marty Duffell, HOPE Church Raleigh

Worship . Grow . Serve

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

"Live By the Spirit"

"For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.” First Thessalonians 4:7
“If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25 
I was listening to the news yesterday and someone accused of breaking the law stated, "But my manager told me to do it.”  Is that a valid excuse to break the law?  I don’t think so!
While in was in the Air Force in the 70s, my partner and I took one of our drug K-9's and went over to the Officers Quarters to do a sweep by orders of the Base Commander.  As we were walking down one of the halls our K-9 dog, Hito, alerted at one of the resident doors.  We knocked on the door and asked for entry.  The officer inside said, "No!"  We ordered him to open the door or we would be forced to break it down. Upon opening the door a 2nd Lieutenant was standing there and his room had the distinct smell of marijuana. Since we were enlisted personnel and he was an officer, he began to order us to leave saying, "I am an Officer and you cannot search my room, so leave at once!"  We informed him that we work for the Base Commander and we had full authority to search his room.  He persisted and he found himself in handcuffs and laying on the floor.  Hito had no problems finding the drugs and the 2nd Lieutenant though saying, “I have authority over you!” was arrested.
As a Christian, I often think we forget whose we are. We forget where the authority lies over our lives.  This 2nd Lieutenant was trying to force his authority on us because of his rank and status.  In our world today, many times, we as Christians do not do the right thing because of someone in authority over us, peer pressure, or we say, “Everyone else does it, why can’t I?” Other times we are told by someone over us, "It's OK to do this.  No will know! Besides this is the way we do things here!" With fear of losing our job or being looked down on because of our standards, we bow to the pressures and give in.  
My own children, when caught doing wrong, have said, “But Dad, my friend does it all the time and it’s OK with his parents.”  Or, I love this one, “But I won’t get caught!”  My response is that we do not live by someone else’s standards, but by God’s!!!  
We must remember, doing the right thing is always the right thing to do!  As a Believer your authority (standards) in the world is not of the world, but of God.  The Bible teaches us to respect those in authority over us, but that does not supplant the truth that we are to live our lives each day to God's standards and know that when we do the Holy Spirit will stand with us, guide us in them. 
Sure, there are times this is tough, but God does not want us to compromise our morals and standards in any situation.  When you compromise your Godly standards for worldly standards you have jeopardized any possible valid witness for His Gospel.  How can we say we live by God’s Word and by His Truth and yet succumb to an unrighteous walk?  The world sees through that and calls us hypocrites and rightfully so!
This applies in every situation and with every Believer.  It is no different for the preacher.  Paul states in: Galatians 1:9 “As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!” (Paul is talking about the preaching of the gospel from him)
You see, I cannot preach a gospel contrary to God’s Word.  As a preacher, it is not my call to entertain, but to preach His Truth.  Anything less is a compromise to the world’s standards and not His.
While difficult at times, all Believers have to, in all situations, at all times, stand tall in your faith and know His Holy Spirit will be with us!  Live by the Spirit and you will not go wrong!
Pastor Marty Duffell, HOPE Church Raleigh

Worship. Grow. Serve.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

“Keep Your Eyes on Him”

A church member shared this Psalm with me saying how much it has meant to her.
Psalm 121 (ESV)
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills.
     From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
     who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot be moved;
     he who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, he who keeps Israel
     will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is your keeper;
     the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day,
     nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all evil;
     he will keep your life.
The Lord will keep your going out and your                                                                                           coming in from this time forth and forevermore.

After reading this Psalm over again, I was reminded of an event where this Psalm carried a pastor friend of mine through a life changing time.

I was awakened by the parsonage phone ringing at 2 a.m. and reached over to the bedside table and answered.  It was the voice of my co-pastor from the church on the other end of the line.  His voice was shaking when he said, “Marty, can you come to the hospital?  My Mandy has been involved in a fire at her house and I need you.”  I still remember those haunting words.

I jumped out of bed and was literally standing in the hospital within 15 minutes.  My brother in Christ and his wife and other daughter were in shock.

Mandy was living with 3 others in a house in town and her roommates were downstairs and Mandy was in her room upstairs.  She had some candles burning in her room and fell asleep.  The 3 roommates downstairs also went to sleep on the couches in the living room.  They woke to smoke in the house and when they tried to go up the stairs to get Mandy, the flames from the fire had already engulfed the upstairs.  They could not reach her.

I stood with my friend that night mourning the loss of his oldest daughter and no words seemed to fit.  So I just held him in an embrace, shedding tears along with him.

The next day and as that week unfolded, my friend, even in the midst of his awful, terrible, horrible loss, began to lean on God and His Word to see himself through.  One of those precious passages was Psalm 121, “I lift my eyes to the hills.  From where does my help come?  My help comes from the Lord…”   Where else could my believing friend turn?  Where else could he find any comfort in this situation, but the Lord?  Were there questions in his mind?  Yes!  Was he hurting?  Yes!  All the whys, like any of us would ask, flooded his mind, but he told me, “Marty, I have to lean on the Lord or I’ll go crazy.  This will take me down.”  And that is where he took refuge in the midst of the crisis.  IN THE LORD!

Where do your “eyes” turn in crisis?  Where do your “eyes” turn in the valleys of life?  To the Lord?  OR To self or something else?  Some turn to drugs and alcohol.  Some choose to turn inward and shut down.  Some run away.  But the answer in crisis is to turn to the LORD!!!

Claim this folks in all situations.  “…He will keep your life.  The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.” (vs.7a - 8)

All else will fail you, but the Lord.  The Lord has promised to never leave or forsake those who believe.  You can count on Him in all things, always, “…from this time forth and forevermore.”

Pastor Marty Duffell, Pastor - HOPE Church Raleigh

Worship  Grow  Serve   

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

"I Am Not Ashamed"

“For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”  Mark 8:38

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation to everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16

Over 20 years ago I attended a music conference that was being held in Spartanburg South Carolina.  I felt that it would help me as a pastor to learn how to intertwine music with the message and it did.  During the conference we had great worship.  One night Jim Cymbala from Brooklyn Tabernacle Church preached.  He brought with him the Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers and his wife Carol who led them.  It was a wonderful night of worship through music and message.  One of the songs the singers sang that night was introduced by one of the members of the group.  He told his story of what this song meant to him.  His life was such that drugs and street life had ruled him, but through the ministry of Brooklyn Tabernacle he had come to faith in Jesus Christ.  He said the difficult thing after that was to walk the same streets again a changed man among those unchanged, old friends, dealers, etc.  But he said, a verse in Romans changed that.  He read Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”  He claimed the verse and began to live into the power God gave him.  The title of the song they sang was: “I Am Not Ashamed.”  If you would like to listen to the song, copy this link of the YouTube version ( and paste it in your browser.  Below are the lyrics to this song.
I Am Not Ashamed
Verse 1
We're an anchor for those who are hurting
We're a harbor for those who are lost
Sometimes it's not always easy
Bearing Calvary's cross
We've been ridiculed by those who don't know Him
And mocked by those who don't believe
Still I love standing up for my Jesus
'Cause of all that He's done for me
That's why I am not ashamed of the Gospel
The gospel of Jesus Christ
I am not afraid to be counted
But I'm willing to give my life
Now I'm ready to be all He wants me to be
Give up the wrong for the right oh no
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ
Verse 2
For every moment His hand has held mercy
For all the love He's shown all my life
A simple thanks doesn't say how I'm feelin'
I get tears in my eyes
So as for me I'm gonna keep on believin'
In the One who's been so faithful to me
I'm not out to please this whole world around me
I've got my mind on eternity
I've got too much behind me
To let this world blind me
To some He's a name
But to me He's my everything                          CCLI Song # 490640

I think of this song every time I read either of these verses from Mark 8 and Romans 1.  I decided years ago that I will never be ashamed of the gospel because of what He has done for me.  I will never be ashamed of the gospel because of His faithfulness to me.  I will never be ashamed of the gospel because He is my everything.  I will stand up for my Jesus!
For we who believe, the return of Christ is our blessed hope, a comforting promise that we eagerly wait to see fulfilled (Titus 2:11– 14; Rev. 22:20). In the meantime, we cannot be ashamed of Christ or His Word (Rom. 1:16; Phil. 1:20; 2 Tim. 1:12; 1 Peter 4:16).  Having abandoned sin and denying self, taking up our cross and wholly following the Lord Jesus in faith, we are confident in the knowledge that we are forgiven and redeemed. The fantastic reality is that our Savior is not ashamed of us either.  As a true believer we will hear one day, “Well done my good and faithful servant” (Matt. 25:21).  As the Lord Himself promised, “He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son” (Rev. 21:7).  Never be ashamed of the Gospel!!!

Pastor Marty Duffell, Pastor - HOPE Church Raleigh
Worship  Grow  Serve 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

"Broken That Resolution Yet?"

It was late in the afternoon, Thursday, September 9, 1976  that I walked onto an airplane at RDU Airport in Raleigh heading for San Antonio TX.  I was eighteen years old and had never been on an airplane, much less traveled away from my family across the country to an unknown city.  We flew from RDU to Atlanta and had a layover.  I found out what that meant once we landed in Atlanta.  From Atlanta we flew to the San Antonio Airport and landed shortly after mid-night.  As we came out of the baggage area of the terminal there was a TI (USAF Training Instructor) gathering up all those flying for the next BMT Class (Basic Military Training Class).  He seemed very nice.  He was joking around some as we waited for other flights to land from other areas of the country.  Finally we headed out of the terminal and boarded buses to take us to Lackland AFB.
Once on the base we stopped at a building where all of us were told to take our bag (could only have one bag) and go inside and sit down.  Once inside a TI began to call out names and divide the recruits into two (2) groups.  One group, my group, became the 3766 BMTS (Basic Military Training Squadron).  The other group became the 3767 BMTS.  Our Squadron Training Instructors (TI’s) took us outside into a alley, lined us up, and then everything changed and I do mean everything.  I could use here the sentence, “All _ _ _ _ broke loose.” but I spare you the language.  For the next hour we ran in place, were told to pick up your bags, put our bags down, pick up your bag, put your bag down in repeated repetition over and over again.  Those that began to complain, well, let’s just say, they received a stern talking to nose to nose with our TI.  To make a long story short, the next 6 weeks were interesting, but in the end, very beneficial.
I became one of the Squad Leaders and that gave me a inside tract with the TI.  By the end of our training I was in his office and talking about the process of the BMTS program for recruits.  He said, “Our main purpose is to break you down and build you back up SO THAT, you become disciplined, obedient and loyal to who you need to be and what you need do.”
I thought about this last night as I watched the College Football National Championship Game.  No, it was not the game that prompted this memory, it was a commercial, in fact, an Allstate commercial.  If you watch TV any at all you have seen the Allstate commercials with “Mayhem.”  Their tag line, “Don’t get caught with me, Mayhem.  Be protected with Allstate.”
But since January 1st, Allstate “Mayhem” commercials changed.  Mayhem was not allowing mayhem any longer, but doing good things, disciplined, helping out, for example being a lightening rod on a roof protecting the house.  Being a tennis ball on a string protecting your car from damage in the garage.  A flair on a dark road protecting your broken down RV.  Mayhem said he had made a “New Years Resolution” to protect instead of cause mayhem.  
Last night that changed during the CFP game.  Mayhem, while being a “obedient/good” flair protecting the broken down RV found out you had already broken your New Year’s Resolution, so he said, “Well, if you cannot keep your New Year’s resolution even two weeks, then I certainly am not.”  So Mayhem put out his flair protecting the RV and of course, mayhem happened.
Many of you can attest to Mayhem’s statement.  You have already broken your New Year’s Resolution.  If you haven’t yet, it is most likely coming.  It is hard to stay the course.  It is hard to maintain the discipline and obedience needed to keep that vow, that commitment to succeed.  Unfortunately, the same thing happens with our commitments to the LORD.  We have the best intentions to stay the course.  I’m going to read the Bible more.  I am going to be faithful in my worship attendance.  I’m going to be involved in the ministry of my church, serving others more, etc.  But then a friend says, “Hey, I’m going to the beach Sunday morning, want to come along?”  Oh, it’s just one Sunday, you think.  But once breaks the discipline, the obedience you committed to and once broken it is hard to put back into place.
Our LORD has commanded us to be disciplined/obedient to HIM.  “…if you obey My voice and keep My covenant…” Ex 19:5; “…obey the Lord your God…” Deut. 27:10; “…obey His Word…” Ps.103:20; “…obey God rather then men.” Acts 5:29; “…to obey Jesus Christ…” 1 Peter 1:2; “…you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed.” Rm. 6:17 (There are so many more I could use.)
And there is the ultimate verse: “from the heart; committed to HIS teaching.”  Today is the 10th day of January 2018.  Let us ALL consider our discipline/obedience in our relationship to our LORD and ALL make the commitment to WORSHIP - GROW and SERVE Him in ALL we do from this day forward “SO THAT, you become disciplined, obedient, and loyal to who you need to be and what you need do” as a follower of Jesus Christ.
Blessings my friends,
Pastor Marty - Pastor of HOPE Church Raleigh

Worship   Grow   Serve