"Live By the Spirit"
"For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.” First Thessalonians 4:7
“If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25
I was listening to the news yesterday and someone accused of breaking the law stated, "But my manager told me to do it.” Is that a valid excuse to break the law? I don’t think so!
While in was in the Air Force in the 70s, my partner and I took one of our drug K-9's and went over to the Officers Quarters to do a sweep by orders of the Base Commander. As we were walking down one of the halls our K-9 dog, Hito, alerted at one of the resident doors. We knocked on the door and asked for entry. The officer inside said, "No!" We ordered him to open the door or we would be forced to break it down. Upon opening the door a 2nd Lieutenant was standing there and his room had the distinct smell of marijuana. Since we were enlisted personnel and he was an officer, he began to order us to leave saying, "I am an Officer and you cannot search my room, so leave at once!" We informed him that we work for the Base Commander and we had full authority to search his room. He persisted and he found himself in handcuffs and laying on the floor. Hito had no problems finding the drugs and the 2nd Lieutenant though saying, “I have authority over you!” was arrested.
As a Christian, I often think we forget whose we are. We forget where the authority lies over our lives. This 2nd Lieutenant was trying to force his authority on us because of his rank and status. In our world today, many times, we as Christians do not do the right thing because of someone in authority over us, peer pressure, or we say, “Everyone else does it, why can’t I?” Other times we are told by someone over us, "It's OK to do this. No will know! Besides this is the way we do things here!" With fear of losing our job or being looked down on because of our standards, we bow to the pressures and give in.
My own children, when caught doing wrong, have said, “But Dad, my friend does it all the time and it’s OK with his parents.” Or, I love this one, “But I won’t get caught!” My response is that we do not live by someone else’s standards, but by God’s!!!
We must remember, doing the right thing is always the right thing to do! As a Believer your authority (standards) in the world is not of the world, but of God. The Bible teaches us to respect those in authority over us, but that does not supplant the truth that we are to live our lives each day to God's standards and know that when we do the Holy Spirit will stand with us, guide us in them.
Sure, there are times this is tough, but God does not want us to compromise our morals and standards in any situation. When you compromise your Godly standards for worldly standards you have jeopardized any possible valid witness for His Gospel. How can we say we live by God’s Word and by His Truth and yet succumb to an unrighteous walk? The world sees through that and calls us hypocrites and rightfully so!
This applies in every situation and with every Believer. It is no different for the preacher. Paul states in: Galatians 1:9 “As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!” (Paul is talking about the preaching of the gospel from him)
You see, I cannot preach a gospel contrary to God’s Word. As a preacher, it is not my call to entertain, but to preach His Truth. Anything less is a compromise to the world’s standards and not His.
While difficult at times, all Believers have to, in all situations, at all times, stand tall in your faith and know His Holy Spirit will be with us! Live by the Spirit and you will not go wrong!
Pastor Marty Duffell, HOPE Church Raleigh
Worship. Grow. Serve.
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