Wednesday, May 2, 2018


“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.”  
John 16:33
As many of you know, Terry and I were in Roanoke Virginia this past weekend for the Presbytery Meeting of the Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic.  It was the first time for Terry visiting Roanoke and I had not been in Roanoke since the 1960’s.  So we tried to do a little exploring in between my obligations to the Presbytery.
We were told by many that we should go up onto Mill Mountain and see “The Roanoke Star.”  The Roanoke Star is the worlds largest man-made star and was erected in 1949.  Because of the star, Roanoke has become known as the Star City of the South.  The steel structure is 100 feet tall.  The star is 88 1/2 feet tall and just the star weighs 10,000 pounds.  It has 2000 feet of neon tubing and can be seen across the entire valley and from the air for over 60 miles.  It is an awesome sight.  If you are ever in Roanoke, it is worth your time to go up on Mill Mountain and see it.
When we arrived on the mountain, we had to park in the lower parking lot and walk up the path to the Star.  At the beginning of the path up was an overhang where you can go out over the side of the mountain and view the valley and city below.  We noticed as we were making our way to the overhang that a wedding had just finished and pictures of the bride and groom were being taken.  The pastor who performed the wedding was making his way off the overhang and started up the path towards the Star.  He had parked in the upper parking lot (top of the mountain) near the Star.  Terry and I, once the pictures were finished, walked out onto the overhang and took in the view.  After a few minutes started our way up the mountain to the Star.
About half way up the path to the top was a bench and the wedding pastor was sitting down and rubbing his knees.  The wedding party was in front of us and the groom asked is he was okay.  The pastor said, “This hill has taken a toll on my knees, but this bench along this path has been my salvation.”
Hearing that statement, of course, sent me to God’s Word, “… in Me you may have peace.  In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.” 
So often, I believe Believers forget God’s promise.  Oh, for a while, we may be fully aware of God’s concern for us.  But then, when God begins to use us in His work, call on us to walk that steep path up the hill, places we don’t really want to or desire to go, we begin to talk only of our trials and difficulties, our tribulations of this world and forget about the bench.  Yes, the bench!
Jesus has provided “benches” along the way of this journey.  No, not for us to stay there or give up, but to refuel, refresh, re-nourish ourselves to continue the journey in this world.  He knows the trials and has overcome them.  We too, are overcomers.  His Word, worship, prayer, and fellowship with other Believers fuel us for the journey.  His indwelling Holy Spirit gives us strength for the difficult journey in this world.  And yes, even in the midst of the trials, we CAN have peace, knowing that Jesus provides the benches for us to rest.  Oswald Chambers states, “We are to do it with an infinitely greater power to withstand the struggle because we have been born from above.”
As we were making our way back down the mountain from seeing the Roanoke Star, the bench where the pastor had been sitting was empty.  The bench had done its job.  It had provided a resting place along that difficult climb.  And after rest, now refueled, the journey could be continued to completion.
Oh family of God, our Lord is good.  We focus too many times on the trials and not on Him.  Lean on Him in ALL things on this journey of life.  For in Him we can OVERCOME!
Pastor Marty Duffell, HOPE Church Raleigh

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