Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Sixty-One has become a great number for me this Christmas Season.  Sixty-One has significance, in fact, great significance because of its impact on others.  But let me digress some before springing the sixty-one on you.
In the summer of 2010, the EPC (Evangelical Presbyterian Church) had service projects in place for groups in the eastern mountains of Kentucky.  Our youth group from HOPE went on a mission trip for a week to help with projects on homes for those in need.  While there in Menifee County Kentucky, we developed a relationship with a local organization called Project Worth.
After the summer 0f 2011 the EPC moved on from that area and offering service projects for groups, but HOPE continued our relationship with Project Worth.  We had grown to love the people there and had developed long lasting relationships.  We also had seen first hand much of the poverty in that area of Kentucky.  Over the next few years a group from HOPE traveled up to Project Worth to lead a summer VBS for the children in the area.  As with most service projects/mission trips, I think we were blessed more than we blessed them.
We have also continued over the years to provided school supplies and backpacks in August for the children of Project Worth families and in December to provide Shoebox gift packages for the children.  We have been told many times that for most of these children who come to the Project Worth Christmas Party and receive these shoeboxes, this is the only present they will receive.  I remember our first Christmas sending shoeboxes, it broke our heart to hear that this might be the case.  Our first year we collected 18 shoeboxes and sent them to Project Worth.  The number has gone up some over the past few years.  Last year, in 2016, we sent 36 shoeboxes for their Christmas Party.  That was the most we had ever sent.  The HOPE Congregation stepped up.
So back to “Sixty-One”.   Our Children’s Director at HOPE Church Raleigh contacted the Director of Project Worth the first of November of this year to find out when the Project Worth Christmas Party was going to be held and what the need was for this year.  The Director told her that she would send a list of ages broken down by gender the next day.  Our Children’s Director received that email and here is the breakdown of need.  Boys, age 2 to 12, twenty-seven.  Girls, age 2 to 12, thirty-four and that folks totals “Sixty-One.”  Sixty-One!  Our Director at HOPE asked me, can we do that?  That is a big leap from 36 to 61!  Can we?  I said, “YES, we can!”
HOPE Church Raleigh stepped up and sixty-one children on December 15th will receive a shoeboxes full of goodies and in many cases, will be their only gift of the Christmas Season.  
I am so grateful and blessed to serve a congregation that continually looks to bless others as need arises.
As the boxes have been coming in this past week to be wrapped and shipped to Project Worth, I thought of that first Christmas morning.  We often demonize the Innkeeper of Bethlehem.  Why didn’t he provide better accommodations for the pregnant mother of Jesus?  Couldn’t he have done something better than give her a manger and a stall?  But think about it.  Other places that were full had turned them away, but not this Innkeeper.  He provided the very place for the birth of the Savior of the world.  “And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7  The innkeeper stepped up.  He saw a need and fulfilled it in the best manner he could.
I pray that as we continue to move towards Christmas Day this year, that our eyes will be open and our hearts prepared to bless others as God presents these opportunities.  He will present them, maybe not sixty-one of them, but if only one, that is your one to take on!

Blessings to you all,                                                                                    
Pastor Marty Duffell-Pastor, HOPE Church Raleigh       
Worship  Grow  Serve

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


The word “Behold” is an intriguing word to me.  The Webster definition of the word, in my opinion, does not do it justice.  Webster states: “Behold: to observe; look at; or see.”  Come on Webster, can’t we add something more than that?
My family has had the wonderful gift of two different sets of friends over the past several years that have allowed us to stay in their condo at the beach a week during the summer.  Sitting on the balcony and watching the sunset at the beach is amazing.  The colors are so vivid.  The orange and the shimmering water absolutely puts you in a state of awe.  As one of the owners posted on Facebook about a month ago, “How can you look at this sunset and believe there is no God.”  Yes, he used the word “look at” which means “Behold.”  But when you really “Behold” something special, it’s more than a glance, a look.  When you “Behold” something that is truly special, it effects you inside.  In fact, effects your entire being.  Your very senses are heightened.  There are times your heart races.  You can even get goosebumps when you “Behold.”
I remember the first time I saw my son Chris as a baby I was about to adopt.  To “Behold” the little baby in my hands flooded my soul with tears, joy, and awe.  And to “Behold” Emma Grace as she was born, just 2lbs, 50z., could hold her in the palm of my hand, was absolutely amazing. I was on cloud nine.  What a great word “Behold” is!  It is more than just a look and see or just observe.
For me, maybe not everyone, but for me, when I hear this word “Behold” my mind runs to two short verses of scripture.  And while these verses are often only heard/read at this time of the year, every time I hear “Behold” my mind races to these two verses.
God used this word, not “observe,” not “look at,” or “see,” but “Behold.”  Behold, because there is nothing else more precious.  Behold, because there is no one ever greater to behold!  Yes, to the verses!
Luke 2:10-11 “But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.’”
You see, I hear that word “behold” and my mind races to Jesus, my Savior.  I can behold in my mind the Christ child, the Messiah, the one promised, now fulfilled.  I can even behold in my mind’s eye the Shepherds hearing the “Good News” and goosebumps covering them.  Can you imagine what they felt, not just as a choir of angels sang before them about the birth of Jesus, but when they actually were able to behold this child in person?  They were effected in such a way that they could not keep it to themselves.  Luke tells us they went telling about this child and all who heard were in wonder.  This is what it means to “behold” Him!
We begin the Advent Season on Sunday which is a time of remembering “His first coming” and “anticipation of His Second,” but never forgetting the impact, the gift, this special gift from God.  Maybe those of you who have read this article, when hearing the word “behold,” will now think of Jesus, the Savior of the world.  What a gift to behold. 

Blessings to you all,                                                                                    
Pastor Marty Duffell-Pastor, HOPE Church Raleigh                  
Worship  Grow  Serve

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

"The Connector"

You would probably never think that the construction of a log cabin/barn could ever relate to the redemptive plan of God. But it does.  1971 (I was 13 years old) has proven to be one of the most interesting summers as a Boy Scout.  One of the farmers in our community was going to tear down one of his log tobacco barns and wanted to know if we would like to help tear it down and have the logs.  We said, “YES!”
Our plan was to tear down the barn, move the logs into a secluded area of the woods on the farm where I grew up and build a cabin for troop campouts.  Very ambitious for 12 and 13 year old boys (well, my dad helped).  We made our plans and started the work.
First, we cleared an area about a mile in the woods behind my house and cleared an old logging road to get back to the campsite.  Next we began to tear down the barn using ropes and tractors.  
Terry and I love to watch “Barnwood Builders” and their process of tagging logs is exactly what we used in 1971.  When tearing down a log barn, you have to know where EVERY single log is placed to rebuild it accurately.  So before removing the first log, we took a white marker and marked the position of every log and the seal (foundation) logs were first.  We marked the seal log front, left side, right side, rear and then moved up to the next row of logs to repeat the procedure.  Once everything was tagged, we could then start to remove the logs.  It took days for us to tear the old barn down, and while hard work, we had a lot of fun.  Our goal was to have the cabin in place by the winter camping season.
After tearing down the log barn, we moved the logs to the campsite and began the rebuild.  Because we were not going to build up as high as the old barn, we decided to build the cabin wider.  So the question was, HOW?  With the logs being like a jigsaw puzzle, we realized was there had to be some type of connection in the back wall for the logs to sit properly.  The seal logs (foundation logs) went into place.  Everything was going fine until we got to the second row of logs on the rear wall which was now double the width of the original barn.  We now had to insert the connector piece.  We took one of the logs we knew we would not use and stood it upright, took a chainsaw and notched each side where the rows of new logs would join, and the connector log worked perfectly.  We finished our cabin, added a tin roof, cut a large opening in the front and we were ready for the winter camping season of 1971.
I know you are thinking, “Why is Pastor Marty telling me this story?”  Good question.  Ted Dougherty (HOPE’S Worship Leader) and I were discussing the Christmas Eve Service this past Monday and I was reviewing the movement of the service through scripture.  God lays the foundation through the “Foreshadowing” in Genesis 3:8-19, Genesis 22:15-18, Isaiah 9:2-7, and Isaiah 11:1-10.  Next God builds, in His Word, the “Annunciation” in John 1:1-14, Luke 1:26-28, and Matthew 1:18-25.  God announces His Son’s entry into the world to begin His redemptive plan.  And then we have the “Fulfillment” in the coming Messiah in Luke 2:1-7 and Luke 2:8-14.  
God’s plan of salvation began in the garden.  This was the “seal log.”  Man had torn down the perfection of God’s creation through sin.  God marked each step needed to rebuild this relationship and in the rebuilding of this relationship it would take a “Connector” piece.  For God to view us in connection with Him again, there had to be a connector, one that would graph us back into Him.  And that person was His Son, Jesus Christ.
You see, God the Father sees the believer through His Son.  Because of Jesus’ work on the cross, God the Father sees us as cleansed, whole, re-connected to Him.  When Jesus said, “It is finished!” on the cross, folks, it was finished.  Nothing else needed, but Him!  He gave ALL the ability to be re-connected to our creator, our Heavenly Father.  Oswald Chambers states that there are no greater words ever spoken in all history, for all time, than “It is Finished.”
In the 1971 rebuild of our Scouting Cabin, we realized it would never come together without a connector log, anything else would fail.  As you begin this 2017 Advent Season, as you prepare your heart to celebrate the birth of your Savior, remember, HE is the reason, the only reason, our relationship has been reconnected to our Father.  Thank you God for your perfectly laid out plan of redemption!

Pastor Marty Duffell - Pastor, HOPE Church Raleigh                   
Worship  Grow  Serve

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

“Trust In The Lord”

I believe most were sadden and even somewhat horrified as the news began to break on Sunday afternoon about the church shooting in Sutherland Springs Texas.  Questions of course began to fly.  Why? How can this happen? How can this happen in a place of worship?  And the most often question asked of me and other pastors, “How can a loving God allow this to happen?”  While questions fly, I do believe God’s Word has answers.  They sometimes are not what we want to hear, but they are answers to life.
The first thing we need to realize and never forget is, we live in a fallen world, a sinful, evil world.  God’s Word tells us that Satan is the “Prince of this World” meaning he is causing havoc, leading those who do not know the Lord.  We don’t like to think of it, talk about it, but this is scripturally true and a fact of life (at least until Christ returns).  Evil is in the world.
Second, believers need to trust God.  When things don’t make sense in this world, and there will be many times they don’t, you have to trust in God.  Pastor Frank Pomeroy (Pastor of First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs TX) and wife Sherri lost their 14 year-old daughter in the shooting this past Sunday and his message is I have to trust in the Lord.
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
This message can be tough.  We want to make sense of all things.  Our very human nature is to question and find answers.  But as a Christian, we must realize that there are some things beyond our understanding.  Is God in control of all things?  Yes!  Are there horrific evil things that happen?  Yes!  Could God change that?  Yes!  Then why not?  The answer to that question is in His Word too.
God states: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:8  We will not understand clearly all that God allows.  Paul states in 1st Corinthians 13:12: “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully…” This concept of God’s very nature is hard to grasp, but never less, is truth.
So what is next?  I have to go to Romans 8:28: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”  I think we often forget to read all this verse.  We cannot leave out, “to those who love God” and “who are called according to His purpose.”  Those who love the Lord are not immune to the evil, sickness, circumstances of this world, but neither do we have to go through it alone.  God is with us!  His very spirit comforts and leads us and ultimately HE can bring good out of all things.
I lost my mother when I was 15 years-old on February 9, 1973 and I was angry with God.  I knew God, but had not surrendered my life to God yet.  I grew up in church, went every Sunday, was in Sunday School and Youth Group, knew who God was, but had not given my life over to Him. (Oh, so many are living that life today.)  After mom’s death, from February to April I struggled to try to make sense of it.  My pastor helped me with that.  I yelled at God and He let me.  But on Tuesday, April 24th I walked down the aisle of my church at a Revival and surrendered.  I know God had used the death of my mom for his purposes and one of those was to break me.  Unbroken, I would not respond.  Broken, I could turn nowhere else but to Him.  On Sunday, April 29, 1973, I was baptized and received my call to preach from God as the water was poured over my head.
And what I’ve grown to learn in the circumstances I’ve had to face since is this: “In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts know what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercede for the saints according to the will of God.” Romans 8:26-27  (These are the verses just prior to “…all things work together…” You see, I don’t have to understand all things for I have an intercessor that intercedes on my behalf.  The Holy Spirit given to the believer helps us in our weakness, comforts us in our loss, lifts us up in time of despair.  This is the wonderful and mighty God we serve.  He does not abandon us in difficult times.  Just the opposite.  He says lean on Me.  You might not understand now, but I’m the One you need to TRUST.  There is that word again, TRUST!
I am not in any way making light of the hurt and the heartache of those who lost loved ones in this attack.  I cannot imagine losing one of my children in an evil shooting like this.  But I do know for sure, God is at work in all of this.  The aftermath of this evil is not final.  We will hear stories of wonder as the LORD intercedes on behalf of those who love Him.  You can trust the LORD to do this.  He is forever and always faithful!
Blessings friends,
Pastor Marty Duffell - Pastor of HOPE Church Raleigh
Worship - Grow - Serve

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

"Am I Willing?"

The Session of HOPE Church Raleigh was away for our Annual Retreat last weekend.  I used a devotion from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers as my opening devotion.  I want to share it with you and then make a few comments.

Is God’s Will My Will?  By Oswald Chambers

"This is the will of God, your sanctification…"     1 Thessalonians 4:3

Sanctification is not a question of whether God is willing to sanctify me— is it my will? Am I willing to let God do in me everything that has been made possible through the atonement of the Cross of Christ? Am I willing to let Jesus become sanctification to me, and to let His life be exhibited in my human flesh? (1 Corinthians 1:30 “But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption…”). Beware of saying, “Oh, I am longing to be sanctified.” No, you are not. Recognize your need, but stop longing and make it a matter of action. Receive Jesus Christ to become sanctification for you by absolute, unquestioning faith, and the great miracle of the atonement of Jesus will become real in you.

All that Jesus made possible becomes mine through the free and loving gift of God on the basis of what Christ accomplished on the cross. And my attitude as a saved and sanctified soul is that of profound, humble holiness (there is no such thing as proud holiness). It is a holiness based on agonizing repentance, a sense of inexpressible shame and degradation, and also on the amazing realization that the love of God demonstrated itself to me while I cared nothing about Him (Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”)  He completed everything for my salvation and sanctification. No wonder Paul said that nothing “…shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:39).

Sanctification makes me one with Jesus Christ, and in Him one with God, and it is accomplished only through the magnificent atonement of Christ. Never confuse the effect with the cause. The effect in me is obedience, service, and prayer, and is the outcome of inexpressible thanks and adoration for the miraculous sanctification that has been brought about in me because of the atonement through the Cross of Christ.                                        End of devotion by Chambers.

That question asked by Chambers, “Am I willing to let God do in me everything that has been made possible through the atonement of the Cross of Christ?” has been on my mind since the first time I read it.  Am I?  Am I willing to let God do everything?  Jesus Christ His Son has already made it possible.  His work on the cross, my atonement, redemption, salvation, sanctification was made possible by Him.  Why wouldn’t I be willing?  There in lies the answer.  God is the one that has called me and saved me, but my relationship with Him is effected by me saying either “Lord, I’ve got this” or “Lord, You’ve got this.”  

When I let go of my will and let God have His way in my life in ALL things, in HIS way, what a difference that would make.  Oh, it’s all possible.  He can do ALL He says He can do.  No question.  So why wouldn’t I?  Well, that means changes, transformations in me have to happen.  The question remains, “Am I willing?”  

What we have to realize as believers/followers of Jesus Christ is that it doesn’t work well to try to keep a foot in both camps.  Keeping a foot in the Kingdom of Darkness  (1 John 1) and one in the Kingdom of Light (1 John 1) just doesn’t work.  When we firmly plant both feet in the Kingdom of Light we will find that the power of God already in us (His Holy Spirit) will begin to purify us for His purpose by His will.  He wants to sanctify us.  He is certainly able, no question there.  The question remains, “Am I willing?”

Blessings friends,
Pastor Marty Duffell - Pastor of HOPE Church Raleigh

Worship - Grow - Serve

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"The Narrow Road!"

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.  For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13 -14
If you have driven a car for any length of time, you all have experienced it.  You are driving down the road and all of sudden there is a man or woman standing there holding a pole with a sign attached to the top of it.  One side reads “Slow” and the other side reads “Stop.”  You know, seeing that sign, that one side of the road is closed for construction work and one side is open for traffic.  And you also know that when you are allowed to go “Slow” that much of the road is taken up by the workers and equipment and only a small narrow portion of the road is open for traffic.  If you are going to get through you have to watch out, be careful, travel slowly, and stay on the narrow part of the road to be safe or things will not go well.
Terry, Emma and I were traveling to Sunset Beach on Monday morning to visit a few days with some friends that have rented a place for the month of October.  Traveling through Scotland County we drove up on a man holding a sign that read “Slow.”  There were a few cars and trucks ahead of us driving very slowly and we followed.  You could see the huge dump trucks on the other side of the road waiting their turn to dump their load into the machine used to resurface the road.  This was on a back road, not one of the major highways, so the road was narrow already, but these huge trucks made it feel even more narrow.
As we passed by the workers and got to the other end of the work site Terry said, “Oh My!”  I said, “What?”  And I looked over to see a Nissan Maxima on its side down in a deep ditch.  The lights were still on and emergency flashers going.  The accident had certainly just happened.  
What appeared to be the cause of the accident was the person driving the Nissan, coming from the other direction, never saw the man holding the sign to “STOP”  until it was too late and drove off onto the side of the road to keep from hitting the man and road construction equipment.  But in doing so, ran into the ditch and the car went up onto its side.  Thank goodness it appeared no one was hurt.  
As we continued our trip down to Sunset Beach, I thought about the accident we had just seen.  I thought, this mirrors our lives in so many ways as we live in this lost world.  There is a safe, narrow way that leads to life (life eternal) and there is a broad way that leads to destruction  (Matt. 7:13 -14).  When we follow the instructions and stay on the narrow path, the narrow way, doing what is right in the eyes of God, not veering from side to side, the way is safe and secure.  Life is secure.  But when we veer off the narrow road, we aren’t looking ahead of us for the obstacles around us and think that the way we travel is broad and big, no problems to deal with, we often find a ditch.  We find that destruction lies ahead and if we don’t get back on the straight and narrow, well, lets just say the future does not look good at all!
Jesus is teaching His disciples and the crowd that has gathered around.  This passage from Matthew is part of the Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus is giving a foundation for living, a guide to eternal life, life with Him.  And He states the way is narrow and few will find it.  
Are you on the narrow road?  Are you aware of the things around you that are destructive and are you staying away from them?  Like the person we saw on Monday, if you take your eye off the narrow way, destruction can jump up and bite you in moment.  You can end up in the ditch!
It’s a jungle out there!  Be safe! (as one TV show used to say as cops went out for a shift).  Folks please, lets be aware of our surroundings.  Stay on the straight and narrow road.  The alternative is not good!
Blessings, Pastor Marty Duffell                                                                                                        Pastor, HOPE Church Raleigh

Worship - Grow - Serve

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

“Jesus, The Anchor of the Soul”

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”  Hebrews 10:23 - 25 (NASB)
As I read the news of today, certain headlines catch my eye.  One that I noticed this week read: “Suicide attempts among young American adults on rise, study says.”  It caught my eye, not in a way most of you reading this would think.  It was not just the word “Suicide,” but the term “young American adults.”  
Of course, as I read the article, some of the numbers are staggering.  In the past 10 years, the study shows (study by JAMA Psychiatry) that suicide attempts have risen 3 quarters of a percent.  And they says the increase is in young adults between the ages of 21 to 34.  One other fact that I was unaware of that they shared in the article was more women attempt suicide than men.  This article states from data collected by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention that on average: 121 take their lives everyday in American, 44,000 annually. How sad this is!
So I said, “Young adults” caught my eye in the headline.  Here is why!  It is not that I am unaware of the suicide rates in America, but when we are showing the rise over the past 10 plus years is in young adults, what does that say?  And, does it have anything to do with faith/church?  Does it have anything to do with this age group’s mass exodus from the church?
In an article The Barna Group posted in March of this year, the millennials (this age group of 21 to 34) view the church this way: 30% see no reason to go to church, 40% waffle in the middle of whether church is important, and 30% say church is an important part of their life.  With these statistics it is safe to say that about 1/2 of millennials (this age group) do not see church, the gathering for corporate worship, as a necessity and without Jesus, I believe true HOPE is lost.
So I began to ask myself, is there any correlation between these two data points?  And my answer is yes!  The Hebrews writer reminds us that we are to hold fast to our confession of HOPE and not forsake our assembly together.  In chapter 6 of Hebrews we read:
“In the same way God, desiring even more to show to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of His purpose, interposed with an oath, so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us.  This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest…” Hebrews 6: 17 - 20 
If we forsake worship of God, see no importance of this gathered community for encouragement and growth, for love and care, a place where your HOPE in Christ is made stronger, then there is a piece of the soul missing.  This HOPE in Christ “anchors” our soul.  Without it, the world and Satan and all the ills of the world will try to fill that void.  And Satan’s ploy is to tell us we have NO HOPE!  Satan’s message is “Why live?” And so many buy into it!
Folks!  It is so important for all of us to NOT give up on church, on God, on our assembling to grow in HIM who is our anchor of the soul.  The church has to continue to look for ways to impact these new generations that are coming along for the sake of the gospel.  Our children’s ministries and youth ministries have to be talking about these things.  Our youth and young adults have to understand the importance of church, and not let that go by the wayside in their college years and beyond.  We have to teach about Jesus who will anchor your soul.  Let us all pray that these statistics will change and Jesus, the anchor of the soul, becomes the priority again!
Blessings folks, 
Pastor Marty Duffell

Pastor of HOPE Church Raleigh - Worship - Grow - Serve

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

“The Ultimate First Responder”

Just a few days ago we passed through another September 11th or what we commonly now call - 9/11.  I would think that many of you reading this remember exactly where you were that day, that moment you got word about what was happening in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania.  Yet there are many who do not.  Some were not born yet.  Some were too young to remember.  Some have only seen the pictures and heard the stories of that day that will live in our history forever.
What happened on 9/11 was a terrible tragedy and had a huge impact, not only on our nation and the world, but on so many families that lost love ones that day in all three areas.  Sometimes I think we forget that there were lost lives in Pennsylvania and Washington D.C.  We cannot forget any of ALL that took place that day.  For if we do not learn from it and remember, we will most certainly repeat it.  History has a way of doing that.
For me, one of the most breath taking sites of that day as I watched the unfolding events, was the First Responders rushing INTO a burning high rise building in NY.  Firemen and police just began running INTO a burning, exploding, soon to be collapsing building.  For what reason?  To save lives.  
Over the past few weeks we have seen this happening again.  Not a burning building, but flooded homes, businesses, and cars.  People needing help in a moment of chaos.  People who fear for their lives and need someone who is willing to risk their life for them.  These First Responders are amazing.  They have an innate instinct to “respond” without hesitation.  
My son Chris is a Paramedic and an Assistant Fire Chief.  I hear just a few of his stories of response to situations and I’m in awe.  I got to experience that one day when he was with us in Raleigh.  We were at Triangle Mall and had just finished eating at the Food Court.  As were in the van about to leave the parking lot and we heard someone yelling.  We looked and there was a man running out of one of the anchor department stores in a white tee shirt.  Behind him was a Security Guard yelling for him to stop.  I am not sure the Security Guard was going to catch this man mainly due to their size differences.  My son Chris shouted at Terry, my wife, stop and at the same time was jumping out of the van.  He took off running and tackled the guy from behind in the parking lot.  Twisted his arm behind him and put his knee in his back until the Security Guard and other back-up arrived.  I looked at Terry and said, “I can’t believe that just happened.”  I’m telling you, there is something about these First Responders that in an emergency or dyer situation, they can put their own safety, their own life aside to help another in need.  Needless to say, I was very proud my son captured a shoplifter that day.
Saying all of that, here is my point.  I’m always amazed that people do not see the Ultimate First Responder.  The One who gave it all.  The One who left heaven and came down to a lost, sick, satan fill earth.  The One who took the abuse and suffering from this world and walking INTO the pain of death for ALL.  Yes ALL!  All who believe!  Jesus Christ responded to the call of His Father that the time was right that His plan of redemption, salvation, “SAVING” was to take place and Jesus did not hesitate to take on the work of saving a lost world.  Jesus is the ultimate First Responder.  He, giving His life for a sinner such as I.  
Here is the additional wonder of it all.  The Ultimate First Responder said, Not, only will I save your life from the darkness of sin, give you joy and hope in a lost world, but belief in ME, your Savior, will give you life after death.  Or in some of the most wonderful words ever spoken, “Eternal Life with Me!”  Eternal…Forever!!!  Come on folks!  You’ve got to either be smiling or crying.  This Ultimate First Responder has and continues to make the offer.  Why would anyone even think about going down (no pun intend) with the world, when the Ultimate First Responder, Jesus Christ has come and provided a way out? 
I am so thankful for all of those men and women who have answered the call to be First Responders around the world.  It is often a thankless job and even some times goes on without notice.  But these men and women are true heroes in my eyes.
Maybe this article will make you either give thanks or think about the Ultimate First Responder.  At least, that is my hope.
Thank you Jesus for saving my life!  From your servant, Marty Duffell
Blessings folks,
Pastor Marty Duffell
Pastor of HOPE Church Raleigh 
Worship - Grow - Serve

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

"Break Our Heat Lord!"

I know many of you look at the images coming out of the Houston Texas area, and it is heartbreaking.  There are times during an event like this, we can only imagine what we would do.  How would I react to this type of flooding and devastation?  
In light of the past several weeks of non-stop news and imagines of other events plaguing our nation, I have been intrigued by the imagines and reports from Houston.  While we have heard of some price gouging, $100 for a case of water.  Sam’s sells a case of 40 bottles for $3.18.  So a $100 is a little out of line.  And yes, a few reports of people taking advantage of flooded businesses where they take things that they don’t own.  Most, even the majority, of the focus has been on people helping people.  
I’ve watched the pictures and videos flood in (no pun intended) that show, whites carrying blacks in their arms, on their backs to safety through chest high water.  I’ve seen blacks carrying whites in their arms through chest high water.  I’ve seen whites and blacks rescuing Hispanics, risking their lives to bring them to safety.  I’ve seen a parade of boats from other states flow in to Texas to help with the rescues.  Blacks, whites and Hispanics riding together.  Over 13,000 people have been rescued as I write this article.  Over 30,000 are in shelters and that number is growing.  I have been so blessed to see that in this tragedy, on the heels of all the talk of division and no hope for reconciliation as many say, we are able to see a community, even a nation (somewhat) come together for the good of all people.  Isn’t that the way it should be?
We have seen this over and over again in our nation’s history.  When a catastrophic event happens, people come together to help one another, regardless of the risk or race.  We saw this as recently as September 11, 2001.  People rushing into buildings burning, ready to collapse to save others.  It was interesting to see that the Sunday following 9/11 the church attendance was the highest recorded in recent decades.  Why can’t we have this compassion always?  Why only when a tragedy hits?  Why can’t we all live into Galatians 3:28?              “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
I can answer that question.  When tragedy strikes we begin to draw on the compassionate spirit we were created with but when the tragedy ends, our fallen nature kicks back in.  Satan goes to work again.  You see, the Apostle Paul is speaking to the believers in the church in Galatia.  He was saying that there should be no division in or with believers in Jesus Christ.  We are all one in HIM.  We know scripture tells us the world does not understand that concept.  For the world, it is all about “me.”  So here in lie the answers.  If fact, it has always been the answer and always will be the answer.  That answer is: “true faith in Jesus Christ.”  True Faith!  When we surrender ourself completely, our whole heart to HIM, our view of mankind begins to change.  How we view others changes (it better or something is amiss).  We are a new creation, as Paul states.  The old has passed away!  Let it be so LORD!  Let it be so!!!
That is the very reason the LORD has called us to be His hands, feet, and mouth in a lost world.  The more who come to faith in HIM, the more will change their mindset and look at things differently.
There is a song we sing at HOPE called “Jesus, Friend of Sinners.”  There is a line in the song that states: “Jesus, break our heart for what breaks Yours.”  Until we, as believers, live into that sentence, we have not lived into being what Paul calls us to: “all one in Christ.”
Pray for Houston.  Pray for the families and the life changing situations before them.  Pray that their communities and nation will continue to respond with help, money, and aid.  But also pray for people to have an ongoing change of heart.  Don’t let it stop here or today.  May believers everywhere show compassion and love that is ongoing.  May our heart be broken for those who break our LORD’s heart.  May it be so!
Pastor Marty Duffell - Pastor, HOPE EPC Raleigh

Worship - Grow - Serve

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

“What’s With the Rules?”

As many of you know my family was on vacation last week at the beach.  The place we where we were staying requires that you wear a colored wristband at all times while on the property and there are security guards that walk around the property hourly checking.  If they catch you without a wristband, either you go back to your room and get it and show it to them or leave the property.  This is the rule!  Not a bad rule either.
So during our stay there I noticed one particular family, a large family of 8, that never had on a wristband.  At the pool each day, walking around the property, etc. none of them ever had on a wristband.  Now I know they were not trespassing because the room balcony overlooked one of the pools where we would often swim and family members would often yell back and forth to one another from the pool area.  I thought, why don’t they have to follow the rules?  Why aren’t the security guards catching them, I’ve seen them question others.   That’s not fair!  Do I turn them in or ignore it?  Do they have special privilege?  
Then something a friend from my High School days said to me came to mind, “We don’t have to follow God’s ‘rules’ because we are under grace not His law.”  He was drawing off Romans 6:14 “For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.”  I can tell you that my friend saw that verse as a sure way of not following God’s ways, God’s law, God’s “rules” for living.  “Why not enjoy life?” he would say, “Isn’t God’s grace sufficient?” he would ask me.  “Yes” I would say, but then I would remind him that the Apostle Paul did not only write one verse of scripture.  In fact, if you continue on to the next verse, Romans 6:15, you read, “What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law, but under grace?  May it never be!”  Paul’s answer was an absolute NO!!!  Just because our sins are forgiven as believers in Jesus Christ, it does NOT give us the authority to keep sinning, doing whatever we want, ignoring God’s way of life He has called us to live.
If we sin, and we will, God’s grace is sufficient.  But because we belong to Him, because of His grace and mercy shown to us by His Son’s life, death, and resurrection, by His indwelling Spirit, we should never want to continue to live a sin filled life.  In giving our life to Him, we die to our old self, and rise to a new life.  And while we are not under the law, but grace, our inward desire should be to be more like Christ.  Paul writes in Ephesians 5:1-2 “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a flagrant aroma.”  I would encourage you to take your Bibles off the shelf or table and continue reading that chapter through verse 21 and see what it means to be imitators of God.
You see, you cannot just pull one verse of scripture out to justify your way of life.  Many do that as my friend does.  To know God, you have to read His Word, otherwise you would be ignorant of His Word.  Questioning my friend, I found out He was told that verse by his pastor.  He never read it for himself, but lived his life by way of this verse.
When I was a cop in the Air Force, I would stop people for a traffic violation and they would often say, “But officer, I didn’t know the speed limit was 35.”  Ignorance of the law does not change the fact that the law exist and for a good reason.
The family during our vacation never followed the rules.  Maybe because they didn’t want to.  Maybe because they forgot.  Even maybe because they thought, we don’t have to.  But any of those reasons never changed the rule.
We are under God’s GRACE - Thanks be to God!!!  But don’t be ignorant of God’s desired way of life for you!  He has set these “rules” for life in place for our good.  And you can know these rules by reading His Word, attending Worship, attending Bible Studies, Sunday School, and prayer time.  By doing these things your faith will grow and your desire to follow Him (even His rules for life) will grow and that desire to sin will wane.  He is SO good!
Blessings, Pastor Marty 

Worship - Grow - Serve

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

“Is This How We Live?”

“Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some, letters of commendation to you or from you? You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” 
2 Corinthians 3:1 - 3 (NASB)

I want you to read this passage using the “The Message” paraphrase version of the Bible.

“Does it sound like we’re patting ourselves on the back, insisting on our credentials, asserting our authority? Well, we’re not. Neither do we need letters of endorsement, either to you or from you. You yourselves are all the endorsement we need. Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ himself wrote it—not with ink, but with God’s living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives…”  
2 Corinthians 3: 1 - 3 The Message (MSG)

We just finished another Vacation Bible School at HOPE EPC Raleigh.  By all measures, I think it was deemed a success.  But what do we mean by that?  Success?  Was it well laid out, organized?  Well, Yes!  Was the story of Joseph well conveyed, taught, presented biblically?  Again, Yes!  Was there fellowship and fun along the way?  Absolutely, Yes!!!  And all that is great and should be a goal that we strive for.  But, is that really how we would measure success?
I watched as my wife, who is the Children’s Ministry Director at HOPE and directed and organized VBS, received some pats on the back this past Sunday.  While I am so happy the congregation felt she had done a great job, I saw her uncomfortableness.  Yes she, like the rest of us, like to hear things went well, that everyone enjoyed it and had a great time, but for her, she is looking for the transformation in lives from the event.  And to be honest, I am too.
In all we do at HOPE we hope to prepare everyone of us to live our faith in God in our daily lives.  Our desire is that each worship service, each Sunday school class, each Prayer Meeting, every Bible Study, VBS event, etc. prepares us in a way that “Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you.”  This is a letter “Christ Himself wrote,” and “not chiseled into stone,” but by the Holy Spirit of God, “into human lives” or hearts.  All we do, how we live everyday, is about Him and reflective of Him.  It is really not about us!!!
For example, worship is a must.  God commands it and as followers of Jesus Christ we should desire it.  Worship is about Praise, Relationship, Growing in Christ, Surrender, Fellowship both with our Savior & others.  As we worship Him, His Spirit connects to us in such a way that others cannot help but see Him in us.  His letter (Word) written in our hearts.  I read a quote the other day that said, “If parents view worship as a option then their children will view God as unnecessary.”  God should be the most “necessary” person/thing in our lives.
How are we living our lives?  Is our life each day pointing to Jesus?  Can others read HIS letter that is on our hearts?  I love that image.  What a powerful statement.  This is what God meant when He said, love God and love others.  His love needs to show daily through our lives.  When we make Him the priority in all things, people will begin to notice.  Your very life will begin to point to Him.  Others will be able to see the “love letter” of God written on your heart.
Is this how we live or has the world around us wrapped us up in “self” instead of Him?  This just may be something you want to think about.
Pastor Marty - Pastor, HOPE EPC - Raleigh

Worship - Grow - Serve

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

      "Freedom to Belong"

     As I write this article it is July 4, 2017 and I know many of you know the story of this day, but let me give a brief summary for this article’s purpose.  Independence Day or Fourth of July, as it is often referred, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence 241 years ago on July 4, 1776. The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies were a new nation and would be called The United States of America.  These colonies were declared no longer part of the British Empire.  The fact is, Congress actually voted to declare independence two days earlier on July 2, 1776.
     The Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia declaring the United States independence from Great Britain rule.  After voting for independence, Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision.  The document had been prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author. Congress debated and revised the wording of the document.  The final approval came two days later on July 4, 1776.  Ironically, historians say the actual signing of the document mostly likely did not happen until August 2, 1776.  That little fact did not nor has ever changed the date of celebration which was the “approved” date of The Declaration of Independence.  
     Every year, as I read the history of the event and hear that the colonies were declared no longer a part of the British Empire, it reminds me of God’s call for the believer.  I know, you think I’m stretching, but it really does give a reminder of where I belong.
     You see, as a believer, I am in the world, but not of the world.  I am a part of the Kingdom of God, adopted into His family.  In fact, because I am a believer in Jesus Christ, the world will hate me.  This fact is growing more evident day by day.
     Just this past week I read of a University in Oklahoma that took all the Bibles, all the hymnals, all the crosses, any signs of Christianity out of their University Chapel that had been built in 1957.  They said they did not want to offend other faiths, but be inclusive and that signs of Christianity were offensive.  Really?  Me carrying my Bible in my hand in public is offensive?  Me wearing a cross around my neck is offensive?  Yes, to a lost world it is.  Jesus predicted this would happen.
Take a look at the High Priestly prayer of Jesus on the night of His arrest before His crucifixion.  
“I have given them Your Word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.  I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.  As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.”  John 17:14-16;18
     So when I read that the colonies are no longer a part of what they were before, but now a new nation, I too am no longer a part of what I was before, but a new creation in Christ Jesus my LORD!  I love that!  I have been set free.  The Apostle John puts it this way: 
“So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36  It is in that freedom that I live.  So while I will continue to share my faith, preach His Word, carry my Bible, wear my cross, I know whatever I face in this world does not define me.  I belong to Him.  I am free even though I am living in a bound up world.  I am free because of Him.
     I love the USA.  I served to protect it years ago and I am proud to have done so.  I am thankful for all those who have fought and continue to fight for our freedoms.  It comes at a cost and it hurts me to see how many degrade those who protect the freedoms of those who protest.  My prayer is that believers around the world will continue to share Christ so Christ’s freedom will be known.  “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.”  I am in the world, but not of the world.  I am FREE and belong to Him!
     Happy 241st Birthday to the United States of America.

Pastor Marty - Pastor, HOPE Church - Raleigh

Worship - Grow - Serve

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Generation to Generation

1 O My people, listen to My instructions.
 Open your ears to what I am saying, 2  for I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past— 3  stories we have heard and known, stories our ancestors handed down to us. 4 We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about His power and His mighty wonders. 5 For He issued His laws to Jacob; He gave His instructions to Israel. He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, 6 so the next generation might know them— even the children not yet born— and they in turn will teach their own children. 7 So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting His glorious miracles and obeying His commands.
Psalm 78:1 - 7
The 37th General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church has come and gone, but the impact of this GA will stay with me forever (at least, that is my prayer).  The theme of this years GA was “Generation to Generation.”  The passage from Psalm 78 (above) issues us a challenge.  That challenge is to teaching our children the: Lessons, Stories, Truths, Wonders, and Deeds SO THAT they will in turn teach their children. That is truly Generation to Generation. The question is: How are we doing?  How are we doing individually?  How are we doing as a church?
At GA we heard from several different Generations of pastors in sermons.  Each one bringing a different and fresh perspective to presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in today’s culture.  For example, one of our new church planters, who happens to be a Millennial, preached one morning for worship.  He has planted a new church in San Francisco.  The church is named: The Table.  His invitation to San Fran is to come to “The Table.” Their Mission Statement is: “Belonging to Believe.”  This is a town, as many of you know, where anything goes.  The pastor hits the streets to develop relationships (belonging) SO THAT Jesus can begin to infiltrate their lives.  The message never changes, but we may have to change how we reach the lost of this world.  An example, when someone comes to faith at The Table, they are not interested at all in membership.  But if you use the word “Partner With” then they are all over that.  They don’t like words like “Elders” or “Deacons”, but like the word “Leadership.”  “Belonging to Believe” is working in San Francisco!!!
God is so intentional in His command to teach our children, to teach Generation to Generation and this is a must for us folks.  Until He returns, His message for us is to go and tell, go and teach SO THAT this new Generation will “set its hope anew on God, not forgetting His glorious miracles and obeying His commands.”  (Ps. 78:7)
It is God who calls!  God who saves!  This is an Absolute!!!  But it was never more apparent in the messages of this GA that HE intends to use us to share His message of the Gospel and what He has done for us!  How important is this?  Well, how well we do with our children will impact how well they do with their children.  Yes, God’s church will never cease to exist, but we are to never stop proclaiming His praise as long as we live, Generation to Generation!
Psalm 22 is considered a Messianic text telling us of Jesus Christ and His grace and mercy to come.  The last two verses read:
30 Our children will also serve Him. Future generations will hear about the wonders of the Lord. 31 His righteous acts will be told to those not yet born. They will hear about everything He has done.  Psalm 22: 30 - 31
If God saw the importance of including these words in the Psalm about His Son, the Suffering Servant, then how important is it for us to proclaim His message of the Gospel with all we meet.  Generation to Generation!  Let us find a way to keep it rolling!

Pastor Marty - Pastor, HOPE Church - Raleigh

Worship - Grow - Serve